It was 1991 and it went something like this:
Hi I'm Chris......nice to meet you ...this is Brad, Todd, Scott, Dave, Drew, & Frank.....
That was the beginning of something I hope these turkeys cherish. These turkeys I speak of are Chris' circle of friends from college. They are the closest group of guys I have ever known, they are not afraid of spooning on mattresses while watching football for 12 hours straight or afraid to make fun of one another.....Brad your head is like a pumpkin.......Todd pull it together and find your keys already, oh look it's Scott while staring at the chimps at the get the picture. Well we have all seen our college days come and go, but I am so glad these guys still get together. It's not always easy, new locations, work, pregnant wives, & just the business of life. We just came back from our 5th annual "hockey and hold em" weekend and I swear to God its as if not a day has passed and we are all laying around on that creepy foam item they called a sofa in Knollwood apartments. In reality a few things have changed, age, hairlines, responsibilities.....but there is one thing that has and probably will never change - their competitive nature that they ALL share! It seriously doesn't matter what it is - it quickly becomes a game of who can do it better, it is a bit absurd as I share some examples
Who can bowl the best game...- okay not too off the wall
Who can last longest out on the ice in 0 degree weather playing ice hockey
Which turns into who has the sorest muscle or worst injury the next day (insert Todd)
Who can hold out the longest in box hockey
Who can accumulate the most chips in a round of poker
Who can make the person feel the worst in the "Gillette all out moment" as they get thrown from the poker game.
Who can eat the most beef sandwiches
Who can defeat one another in shuffleboard
Who can sing the best (or worst) while trying to make it to Hollywood via American Idol Wii game.
So anyway each year I try to remind these guys how lucky they are to have these friendships and that they should cherish these small get togethers -even if it takes 7 hours to get there (Brad) or if you have to get up at 6am to clean up the kitchen so your preggo wife won't go bananas (Todd), or if you have to drive home at 5am after not sleeping to play basketball (Drew), or if you have to sing "holiday" that is completely out of your vocal range (Teddy) Some things are just worth it!
On our drive home Chris looked at me and said "how long do you think we will keep this up" and I said hopefully forever.....because I am sure you guys have to find out who has the worst bunion at some point!
Here are a few photos from the event.
Frank and Sarah.....