I am not sure where Brady has learned of this new verb....was it the word of the day on Sesame Street?? At any rate he has apparently mastered it's meaning beyond belief. It's sneaky, its creepy, it's secretly cute sometimes, it's scary and it is mind boggling how quiet a 3 year old can be for an extended period of time to emphasis the element of surprise....we aren't talking seconds here ...... we are talking 20 minutes or who knows how long before we notice him. It started out innocently enough when he moved to his big boy bed and realized he could get out in the morning come in our room stand about a centimeter from my closed snoozing eyeball and breath heavily. Then it was a hand interlaced with my fingers as he would stare at me sleeping. It isn't constant and routine, it sort of happens randomly, which is why I entertained the thought of sleepwalking, but upon discovery most times he just turns to me and usually says "Hi....Mommy" like you finally found me.......so he is fully awake and aware....There have been a few heart stopping moments when I lean back the lazy boy to give out my final sigh before falling asleep to some DVR program only to view Brady backed up against the bookcase smiling, or my ultimate favorite when I was doing a late night baby sitting swap with my neighbors and Chris usually relieves me at 10 pm before I turn to dust, well when I came back to our house and walked towards the stairs I caught a glimpse of a human to my left, I was in complete panic mode until my eyes focused in on what I was looking at, yup it was one Brady Munson curled up in his cubby locker like Chucky ready to attack, except it was without any evil intent it was just "Mommy, my eyes can't fall asleep"......but for the love of anxiety medication......Bugs I love you, and as much as I appreciate no yelling or screaming to come get you in the morning or at night for any known reason Please understand the importance of announcing your presence.......for the sanity and heart health of your Mutha......
Here is an example of what we are dealing with.....you can just make out his eye behind the fridge door.....ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Must of been too hot to sleep....oye vey.....
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