While there are SO many similarities between Brooke and Brady - Lately I have been noticing how they differ in so many ways.......
Brady, he is such a rough and tumble guy when he wants to be , but more often than not he is this overly cuddly sweet thing that I never got from Brooke when she was a baby! I think I now know why the phrase "momma's boy" was coined. I seriously want to eat him!
He is also like clock work at night you say nigh nigh and he heads for the fridge for his milk and walks upstairs, Brooke on the other hand say nigh nigh and she is all "Dad can I help you clean up the toys or organize some stuff" Staller Johnson and she has been that way since 2 and probably always will be!
Once Brooke started walking it seemed to me that she was off to the races, where as Brady is walking at a slow trot and never seems to be in much of a hurry to get anywhere.
Brady is our picky eater -one day cheese is the shizzle the next day it very well could be chucked halfway across the kitchen - We are slowly realizing what a good eater Brooke is and was as a baby. (I didn't say neat, I said good) Both the kids take home the Oscar in let me see if I can wear more than I eat!
I am sure there are a million other ways I won't bore you with - just a few I have noticed in the past few months.
Mom and Dad if you haven't noticed you got out of Dodge just in time - we had our first significant snowfall this past weekend and the kids loved being in it......so enjoy your freezing cold 65 degree weather cuz that seems like summer for us folk.
Brady having fun in his first sledding adventure - but looks like he is secretly thinking "umm folks I am not smiling my face is frozen like this - would you fools get me inside already!!"
Brooke spends more time eating the snow than actually playing in it! She loves to go out and shovel with dad and make snow angels.
oh yeah and sled down the driveway cuz the Munson's choose to not shovel during the ice storm last time.......I don't think that stuff is melting until April!!
Hope everyone enjoyed the snow fall as much as we did - Isn't it nice that it actually happened over the weekend when we could enjoy it instead of the usual Monday morning frazzling start to the work week?
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