I am sure she still has her foot on the stair for comfort - but she is definitely getting braver each class to give it a shot!!
In other news...... something I am truly enjoying is the infatuation between brother and sister that is occurring right now......It is so fun to watch Brady just idolize his sister!! He MUST do everything she does.... Brooke drinks her milk.....Brady drinks his milk.......Brooke dances......Brady dances....... Brooke wants to wrestle......Brady is all over it!! You get the picture. So I will revel in it for now since I know the "keep out of my room" sign will soon be hung on each others doors soon!
Just thought this was funny - Brady will go up to everyone now lift up their shirt and just give random zerberts! He is pretty good at it....haha turn your volume up!
Last lil tidbit - so I thought Brooke was our rough and tumble kid - but Brady is gaining on her QUICKLY - let me take you back a few weeks - I happened to be a the play gym at the mall and some six year old boy (completely by accident) turned around quickly and Brady just happened to be behind him and knocked him over......well without hesitation Brady put both arms around this kids ankles and just forced his head (a powerful tool mind you!) into this kids knees, who is five years older than him, until he buckles - the moms and I were just like who does this kid think he is?? I couldn't believe it - then I see him doing it to Brooke when they are playing around and she is egging him on to wrestle.....its just so funny that it is the exact same move that his father famously mastered at a Halloween party one night :).....anywho moving forward.......I pick him up from school the other day and his teacher asks me "So does Brady tackle at home??" HAHA I couldn't belive it my kid is the bulldozer.... We laughed about it - she said he did it out of play not out of anger and the other kid was laughing because they thought they were playing but still ........I told her we would simmer down the wrestling at home since it is pretty much a nightly occurrence!
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