Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer slow down....yeah right.....

Remember when I said ......."we are going to slow down and just see where summer takes us"......Well within the first week it has proved to continue to be anything but slow....but the fast pace of fun activities were all welcomed! I guess that is the beauty of summer it allows for you to do all the things you have been waiting all winter long to do...... Here was our first few weeks of summer.....
We celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary! W.O.W

Got to enjoy an outdoor concert with Melissa Ethridge...

We had really good seats....
And ran into some friends unexpectedly.
We got to take a sunset boat ride....
have the little one play water light sabers
Catch some fish....
Continue to watch these two be frick and frack with each other....
Got to enjoy a whitecaps came in a suite......Brooke and Brady now think that every sporting event should be equipped with unlimited fried food and soft drinks.....
waiting for a fly ball.....
Lastly a visit from family and time with alone with Cousin Lexi.....as you can see they really disliked their time together....

Pool time.

Brooklyn and Lexi braving the wipe out obstacle course......
slithering across...
finishing together.

I hope (well at least for now) that every week is as fun filled as this first week of summer!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mock Rock - 2012.

To cap off the end of the school year, Brooke participated in the end of the year talent show again. This year she joined forces with a group of girls who took on no other than Adele....The girls have so much fun practicing and performing and are filled with so much confidence at the ripe ol' age of 8! They don't flinch at getting up in front of entire school and shaking their groove thing, I am not sure if that is a proud moment or a scary one yet.......I haven't decided.

Here are the girls waiting their turn to get up on that stage.

Here is the actual performance.....

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summation of Spring.....

I don't know why but spring always seems to be the busiest season for us.....we made it through and look forward to slowing down a bit. We have decided to have a sport free summer and just be at home and see what the wonder of summer brings us......Here is a quick recap of what we have been doing the past few months.....

Celebrating Cinco De Mayo.

Getting lucky at the Ice Cream Shop.

Brady Advanced to his Green Tip in Karate!

Brady is also super into Indiana Jones right now....
 Kids gearing up for their Fun and Fitness Day at school.....a day they look forward to all year long!
 Ellie and Brooklyn horarding all the watermelon....
Mom Braving the three legged race with her 2nd grader...

 Ellie and Brooklyn not having it from the paparazzi....
 Brady and his posse......

 Lots of water games....

 The little chicken laying the egg.....

Brady's soccer season.....
This year, Dad coached the yellow ninjas.......
Some days Brady would kick and run and smile.....

And then other times he would......
I think the pictures speak for themselves.

Where by the end of "some" of them only Grandma had any patience or compassion for him.

Brooke's soccer season.......
Proved to be much more productive. She still really enjoys it. Dad also assisted in coaching her team.

The Pink Panters had to brave some hot days....

The learned to play as a team this year and really improved their passing and control of the game.

Brooke always in "instructional" mode telling people where to be and what to do.

She was much more aggressive this year.

Hustled to the ball a lot more....

Continued to score goals!

Brady also can't get enough of fuse beads.....He is quite patient and focused when doing them!

We also had our annual Memorial day party....
and tried to introduce a badminton tourney this year....

Lots of fun on the slip and slide...

And we also closed out the school year with signing peoples yearbooks and everyone else signing Brooke. We only had one day of mourning and tears this year for her teacher so we are making progress......

And I think that was April and May of 2012!