Sunday, January 26, 2014


2014  started off with a night home with the family. NYE we just grabbed dinner, stayed home with the kiddies, and Brooke put together her own "cupcake wars" (they are obsessed with the show right now......) Oh yeah and during a hot game of trivial pursuit, Chris called the white house and actually got through (phone number was listed on the trivia card and we were a bit surprised it was on there) The kids thought it was hilarious that Dad was talking with the White house but were disappointed when he didn't ask to speak to Barack. Here's everyone cuddling to stay warm while Ryan Seacrest rings in the new year.
Brooke racing against the clock to create her three cupcakes....
working away on the next batch....
The results....let's be honest they were all in-edible....especially after I discovered a whole empty bottle of peppermint extract on the counter. But she gave it her all finishing right at 11:58......
The rest of the month shook out like this.....
The boys braved out the Winter classic game in the frigid cold and snow....they are nuts.

 But apparently they aren't the only ones.....I couldn't believe this many people stuck it snowed all day long....

Brady started to play indoor football this winter, and of course he likes it .....someone is throwing him a football..... 
 Parents enjoy it too, because for one hour....its not us throwing the football......
Road trips with needy is she?

Taking advantage of the ice.....speedy sledding
 Here we go....
 A day at Pando tubing....
 up they go....
 and down they come.....
 The three amigos....they lasted longer than we did.....Dad and I went into the shack to warm up after a few hours!
 Sometimes cabin fever will set in...

 The rink was a lot of work again for Chris to get up and running but after an afternoon with a blow torch we are in business.... 
 Taking a break from skating....

 Brady is getting much better this year! (when he actually puts his skates on)

 Roxy is hilarious on the ice, but she loves it.....she is up for a game of hockey anytime, unfortunately she is faster than all of us and usually ends up with the puck.

 Conga line.
 Nighttime shooting....

Brooke is usually the last one standing on the ice, she loves it. 

The snow has given us some challenges, but our normal lazy bones really wanted to get back out there.

 Skiing in the rain this is one way to get the hill to themselves.....they were wet noodles.....I pulled the plug after 3 hours in the pouring rain.
 This winter is one of the colder ones I can remember and we will do whatever it takes to stay warm.

Finally, I celebrated another birthday and apparently I am only nine years away from retirement!

 That was January.

Monday, January 06, 2014

Christmas 2013......

So Christmas morning didn't shape up to be as "its a wonderful life" as Christmas eve, it was more like Chevy Chase's Christmas vacation......It started with a Brady Munson crying at 10:30 pm, as I went in to see what was up, he went into a full confessional on all the things he did wrong this year and he was positive he was going to be on the naughty list. Bless his heart. The he continued the anxiety by waking up us up at 5:23 find out if he made the good list, but he had to wait 2 more hours to find out until his sister arose. So during those two hours (in our bed) he did the following: wiggled and kicked me about 673 times, flopped like a fish out of water, went to the bathroom 3x in hopes of making some loud flushing sounds, asked me if he could wake Brooke up about 981 times, whispered (i mean spit) in my ear 732 times "is it time yet?" Am I painting the picture? But secretly I never got mad, I felt for him, I remember having to wait on my older brothers who liked to sleep until noon, I am sure I only waited about 5 minutes but it felt like eternity to find out that the man in red brought me my new Garfield sheets. So we snuggled and got very sleepy but tried to remember that excitement and not get too annoyed. Well luckily I gave him the green light at 7:30 to go get Brooke and it was the same time she wondered out of her room all groggy as if she had no where important to be......
GAME ON........
Good list......Thank goodness....
Opening stockings and looking still half asleep....
Brown sugar sand was a hit this year!
Shaking and guessing for one......immediately tearing open for another....
Michigan football.Check.
Receiver gloves. Check.
Disney Infinity. Check.
Michigan Football helmet. Check.
Pandas in all shapes and sizes. Check.
Chaos and breakfast 15 minutes later.....and naps by 10:30 am!
Check.Check.Check off Brady's list.
He pretended to open his own Michigan gift store.
Brooke took one strum and didn't like how it sounded and just turned to Chris and said "It's Broke" Ha Ha. Chris will have to spend some time with this one.....
Roxy even got a nice new coat from Santa and decided to park it in her normal spot on the heat vent.
Football glory, Tom Brady jersey, and Michigan flair to boot.
Brooke and her babies.

I can't even remember what this video is of, so we will post an see, it won't let me view??