Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fall Frenzy!!!

It's not even Halloween and yet we have had a weeks full of activities just leading up to it! Here are a few pix to update you ......

The kids have been enjoying playing in the leaves - it works out perfect Brady loves to mess them all up and Brooke loves to rake them back up!

Brooke and some of her neighborhood pals enjoying the fall foliage....haha bless their hearts we have one measly tree in our front yard so the girls were stealing them from the neighbors just to get a pile worth getting excited about!!

Brooke took a field trip this week - she told me she got to go trick or treating where ALL the "grandmas and grandpas" live......"but mom our Grandmas and Grandpas weren't there!" "Why" Ha ha!

Her Farm preschool had a little "recital" and "scavenger hunt" for the parents today it was really cute and they seem to be star struck by their big audience. The big performance was held in the barn! Brooke is the princess in the pink dress (she refuses to wear her real costume until the REAL night of Halloween!) So yeah its been fun pulling together items for all these events that she won't dawn her real costume for!

Her Buddy Addison.....AKA Construction Dude!
A snip it of the performance if you will......

Then on to carving pumpkins and eating seeds! Brooke and dad did a good job carving as Brady and I watched from the sidelines.......

Hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather and has a great and safe Halloween tomorrow night!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Black Cloud Looming over the Munson residence!

Well at least it seems like there has been lately. We have had at least someone sick in the house for the past three weeks and I am ready to insert each kid into a plastic bubble and wipe it down with a disinfected wipe hourly! We have been through the gamete lately.....stomach flu, head cold, teething, lethargic sleepy kids, full on vomiting.......
Case in point - everything seems to be back to normal for a few days so Chris and I decide to take the kids to a Halloween party the other night and amidst all the fun and excitement I pick Brady up from the play gym (who has been bombing out having fun on the slide) and he proceeds to projectile vomit all over the gym filled with 100 kids and all over mom! We are talking head to toe covered in curdled milk and god only knows what else........I seriously felt like I was Sissy Spacek in "Carrie" when all the pigs blood is dropping down on her at the homecoming dance and everyone is staring in bewilderment......I was getting the same dagger stares from 101 moms thinking "OMG who brought their sick kid to a Halloween party?" I wanted to scream "Ummm this is something new folks"
Then today Brooke has been flat on her back and sleeping most of the day away.........

So hopefully we are on to healthier and happier times ahead........I mean really it can't get any worse right? (haha!)

A better day with the kiddos last weekend........ Brady is OBSESSED with balls and thought all the pumpkins were balls - just screaming "BALL" "BALL" everytime he saw them - OH which brings me to the point of Brady is starting to speak! Ball his first word - It was Brooke's first too!

Please ignore Brady's diaper which looks like it weighs 400lbs and apparently busted open his pants :) Parents of the year we are!!

And I will leave with you with a random thought......
Is it weird that my daughter sees a "boy" friend at Norstroms rack and tackles him in the shoe isle to hug and start to wrestle him with pure glee??
While my son randomly falls asleep to the instrumental version of "Eternal Flame" by the Bangles every night??????

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Munson tradition that will hopefully improve with age!

So when Chris was growing up he always got to pick what his birthday dinner would be and thought it would be cool to do the same for our kids. Well today is Brooklyn's real birthday and her requested feast consists of the following:
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Pickles
  • Peanut butter and jelly on crackers

Really?? I ask...."Brooke wouldn't it be fun to go to Chuckie Cheese for your birthday" (hoping we can at least upgrade to a slice of cardboard pizza) "Yeah, but can we bring our special dinner with us?" And so tradition stands we will gorge on pickles and cottage cheese tonight. And of course every parenting clique seems to come back to bite us...... We have a rule at the dinner table ..... you have to at least try a bite, if you don't like it you leave it on your plate, but you have to at least try. Brooke knowing full well that I don't like pickles smirks as she reads off her dinner list to me "Mom you have to at least try the pickle" hmmmmm note to self - eat a big lunch on the kids birthdays!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I am still Floored - did she really just turn FOUR???

That's right my lil baby girl is 4 years old already! We had a great action packed weekend and she loved every minute of it....
I will start it out with a funny lil convo I had with the birthday girl...
As we take off to go pick up her birthday cake.....I am buckling her into her car seat and give her a big smooch on the lips and say "I love my 4 year old girl" and she looks me dead in the eye and replies..... "I love my 100 year old mom" Fade to black...... I raced home and ordered a botox injection STAT.....(just kidding mom....don't call!)

So off we went to her big Gymnastics Bus party! Brooke and her friends got to tumble their lil hearts out on this gutted out school bus! It appeared to be a big success and fun for all the kids.
Then they got to flail around a park on a nice fall day enjoying parachute games, a bounce house and of course pounds of frosting with only the poor little cake pieces left on the plates!

So another year passes and Brooklyn you still make us laugh and continue to be the family clown.....You have faced a lot of change this past year; welcoming your lil brother into our world and your supply of toys :), you changed daycares, started preschool, learned to ride your bike, learned to stay dry ALL NIGHT, you have become a lil' book worm and our lil math wiz (I swear she provokes this herself - I mean its not like I am making her do debits and credits). You have also made our bellies ache as you have gained the insight of "bathroom humor" I can't imagine who you picked this up from but we try to do our best and say "Brooke that isn't polite" as we bust out a laugh half way through (sorry it's just hereditary!) This is not to say that you haven't presented us with some challenges along the way! You have gained so much independence and "think" you can accomplish everything by yourself, which I admire as I type this, but probably react differently when you actually try to do everything by yourself! And you have proven that you REALLY enjoy getting the last word in whatever it may be, but most of all we have watched you grow a year older, a few inches taller, a great deal wiser, and have enjoyed every waking moment (well maybe not every WAKING moment like when you get up at 3 am and tell us your toe itches.....oh vey!)

We love you boobers!

Sincerely your 100 year old mom!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

one more "step" from Babyhood....

Well he is making strides but still not 100% off and running....... but he is getting more confident - but seriously taking his time and really taking advantage of the clique "baby steps!" Not real sure why the video is sideways too - it was right side up when I started??

Another Milestone occurred .... Brady finally made the sign language connection this weekend - Well I don't fault him - I can't say we have been as dedicated with him as we were with Brooke, but I guess persistence paid off he finally was doing "more" consistently this weekend! Horray! Please excuse the annoying "overly proud" loud voice from mom!

This video i just thought was funny of Brooke - have to turn your volume up - she was so concerned about being on video I am surprised she didn't get knocked in the face with the ball! Priorities!

Monday, October 01, 2007

I wanna be a Toys R Us Kid!

Well Brady got to experience his first trip to the "kids garden of Eden" We ventured out to Toys R Us so Brooke could make her birthday wish list and I think Brady got a lil' taste of things to come...... we seriously could have left him in the basket of balls, went to go have dinner and come back and he would have been happy as pie. His eyes were wide open taking in the plethora of BALLS and motorized vehicles.......then both my kids eyes went completely shut as Geoffrey made his way over to greet them......it must be hereditary.....my kids they just don't enjoy a good stuffed human. Santa should be a complete party this year......