Saturday, December 22, 2012


It all started with this email......

Dear Parent or Guardian: Brady Munson
This Friday you will receive a pink conference confirmation form attached to your student’s classroom teacher conference form requesting a conference with the Specials teachers as a group. The purpose of this additional conference with Specials teachers is to discuss some of the behavioral challenges your child may be experiencing during Specials classes or to update you as to how your student is managing in our classes after conferencing with you last school-year.

The issues in question may not be occurring in all of the Specials, but we will meet as a team as a matter of convenience for all of us, rather than asking you to meet with us separately.
We would like to share what we are experiencing and what we have been working on with your child.
We also would like to benefit from your expertise, so that together we can craft the best plan to help improve your child’s total educational experience.

So we went to conferences and found out he is an angel in the home classroom, however a bit of a stinker in the "special" classes (art, gym, music) (doesn't participate, hates to lose, likes to be the class clown, respectively) So of course the behavior is an easy one to correct and it was as soon as he knew we found out about it, but the lack of participation bugs me to the core. I knew it instantly that it was art. It always has been. If something is hard for this little one, he shys away and just doesn't do it. Period. He gets frustrated very easily. So to work we went, practicing at home, reassuring him that is doesn't have to be "perfect" etc..... Funny enough every time I volunteer in his class homeroom class his teacher raves about his drawings and work. So why not in art? No clue, so I emailed his art teacher requesting an update....

Hi Mrs. B –
I know it has been a while since we met at conferences in November, but I wanted to touch base with you and see how Brady is doing in art class. Has his level of participation gone up? He seems to be drawing more at home, however, still gets very frustrated if it doesn’t turn out the way he wanted or envisioned. I just hope he is trying for you a bit more than what we discussed at conferences. We ask him every week how art is going, but sometimes I don’t have a ton of faith in if I am getting the “real story”. I would love to get your view on it and if you have seen any improvement. He told me that his art got selected by the principal for the office and it gave me hope that things may be turning the corner, but I wanted to get your take on it.

 Her response:  Which made for two proud parents!
His interest has improved and his behavior is better. His art work is in the office because he worked so well and added an artistic touch to the VanGogh painting. I do hope you will stop by and see it framed in the office. he is quite proud of this.The class clapped for him when It was announced in art. I am glad to hear he is drawing more at home. he should just continue and make the mistake into something new.

Thank you for helping on this issue, I see improvement weekly.

So Way to go bugs.....for #1 telling us the truth......and #2 trying your best! It paid off! 
 This is one visit to the principals office I didn't mind! (and hopefully my only visit!)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Once On A Housetop...

Brookie had her 3rd grade musical the other night, Once on a Housetop......We, as a family, having been singing these songs for two months straight and it was nice to see it finally come into action! She loves the whole gig of a Play.... the only glitch with this year was that she didn't get the part she wanted.....not for any reason more than the required costume was ......wait for it.......hold your breath.......YUP, a DRESS or a SKIRT.  I don't know what is getting into my little sporty spice but those two words are not in her vocabulary nor in her closet! But the show must go on right? She took one for the team and borrowed a skirt, a dress was not even a consideration EVER and the skirt must be made out of denim to even be considered. So there you have it, she didn't get to be the Chimney Sweep that she wanted where you could wear sweats and have soot rubbed all over your face, she had to be a poor damsel dressed in nice clothing......ugh the AGONY........ But she made it through with a smile on her face and a froggy like voice by the end of the night........Singing....and singing....and singing......
The smoking chimney.
My little Hanukkah girl in ......DENIM.

Up at the mike.......
The crazy coveted music teacher....she is loved by many!
I tried to get most of her solo speaking parts ......The gist was they were trying to make Latkes out of potatoes, a holiday tradition.....

This one was too long to upload but this is an actual song and dance on the link below....

Monday, December 17, 2012

Well he's moving on up......

Just like George Jefferson, Brady is climbing the karate ladder to a de-luxe green belt in da sky! He just finished another session of karate and still seems to be enjoying it and loves to advance to the next belt color, because really it has always been and will always be about the costume. I have a feeling that yelling/kicking/punching is really secondary.......
Here is Brady giving it his all on his last day as a yellow belt.....I love the chick next to him giving it her all too!
Brady better be nice to this girl beside her she looks like she can pack a punch....or at least yell really loud....
Brady accepting his certificate and green belt from the loudest of them all.....Ms. Rachel.
This was us trying to get Brady to smile "naturally" and suggesting that he pretend that he is laughing.....nope still awkward.
Watch out....This green belted ninja is coming to get ya!
Congrats butterball......

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Living Vicariously......

Brady has been known to float from one obsession to the next, but this obsession du jour was a bit of a surprise, and a complete joy to Dad. Brady out of the blue just asked Dad to take out all his KISS stuff out of storage as he wanted to play with the characters......and so it begins my friends so it begins.......
Case in point the other day he hops off the bus and I ask him "How was school" he replied "I want to be Paul Stanley tonight".....I laughed and said "Bud we are going to the bridge lighting party tonight wanna do it another night" he continued "Nope, tonight Dad can do it." and so he did is a random shot of him eating a snack after school before we left.......

And this one just kills me as he continues to wear it out.....This is my little man in the "devil's music mask" sitting in a church pew reading a hymn book......I mean why not...... funny enough people thought he had a "Christmas Star face painting done....."
Then the figures.....Brady is a crazo for the molded plastic characters and these did not disappoint either. He had a friend over the next day and they played "KISS GUYS" for three straight hours.....thankfully he had a complying friend over.....
The best part of all of it was watching my husbands conflicted face as he was over the moon that he could share this passion with his son, but felt the tug not to open the items he had stored as "collectors items" "Cherie, seriously this is going to be worth a lot of money some day......"

and the beat goes on and on.......I can't shake this thing if I tried.

Monday, November 26, 2012

His wish granted

Brady has been complaining since school started that he is the ONLY one in his whole class that doesn't have any "holes" in his mouth yet. So he had been doing a lot of self imposed wiggling if you will to fit in with all the other "hole-y" kids at school. Well the time had finally come when he did have one coming out....and then of course it freaked him hurt....we put ice on it to numb it so we could pull it out, which of course he wouldn't let us do. So then he continued to talk with his lower lipped jetted out for a day because he didn't want to touch the "wiggly" tooth. Imagine a voice of someone who just got their wisdom teeth out and talking with a mouthful of cotton. So we let it dangle and be loose and he ignored the lower half of his mouth and went to school Monday morning.  It fell out at school in art class and the teacher was so kind to send it home with him so we could bury it for the tooth fairy! I don't like the whole process of the teeth falling out. First I just think it is gross, the wiggling, the constant hanging on by a thread, the blood, but most of all because it starts to change the whole dynamic of the baby face of your kid. They instantly look older, their face structure changes and then of course the ortho plan begins. So as Brady's wish came true and he showed it off proudly to everyone he knew it was a bit bittersweet for me because I know it is the beginning of the end to "Baby Brady".
His first hole, same tooth Brooke lost first, we confirmed!
 Ahhhh big man on campus......check out all that space.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Brady on politics.....

Chris shared this little ditty with me and I thought it was so in line with how Brady's mind works that it was worth remembering.....

Brady - Did you want "X" to win the predential race?
Dad - Yeah I did that is why I voted for him, why?
Brady - I didn't want him to win
Dad - Why?
Brady - I didn't like what he wanted to do to the people.
Dad - Really? What was that
Brady - He wanted to punch them all in the face.

And that my friend is a 6 year olds take on politics and another reason why you have to wait until you are 18 to vote.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fall Follow up.....

As we had our first snow fall last night it got me thinking where the heck did Fall go? We had great weather and were incredibly busy this Fall so I thought I would go back and recapture what we did for this Fall as winter is breathing down our necks....

Chris took me to my first professional football game this season, it was a great game and I actually really enjoyed it, so thanks to what ever friend/brother/dad took the fall and let me go instead! I am not going to lie, after watching a full length game on the couch last weekend, I may be becoming a full fledged football fan, not necessarily a Lions fan, but a football fan......after parking my rear on a couch for 3+ hours it finally dawned on me why the male species latches onto football so much.....I mean 3+ hours on the couch instead of grocery shopping, cleaning, planning etc.....I can get used to this.....grab me my foam finger - I AM ALL IN!!! 

Brooke continued to play soccer, its the one thing she has latched onto and really enjoys. She was named team captain this year because of her effort and leadership skills (insert "telling people what they should do") The team didn't hold the best record but they are a great bunch of girls who had fun together.
Brooke also latched onto playing goalie this year, which was nerve racking for her parents on the sidelines.....

We are much more at ease watching her take it down to the other goal with her feet!
Brooke is also continuing to do girl scouts and recently started Odyssey of the Mind, which will keep her busy until March!

Brady continues to do swim lessons - he is FINALLY making improvement at this new school he goes to and gaining some confidence. I think he has it on his belly, but still a bit unsure on his back....So we will continue until he doesn't sink. Brady bugs also skipped soccer this year and chose to do Karate again. He is testing for his green belt next week!

Fall Pig roasts......seriously the amount of tinfoil left from her birthday party is ridiculous and it is never ending entertainment....
Randomly coming home to view this out our back door......I don't get it .....not one bit.......
It's not ours but a neighbor who caught it and was also hosting an open house to sell their home that same of course looking for a place to hide it.....Lucky us....
Chris continues to be on the concert circuit.....him and a friend recently went to go see Buddy Guy.

Had some time with the kids favorite out of town friends.....
Took them to art prize ....this hanging dragon was one of my favorites....its all buttons hanging from wire to form a dragon....pretty cool......but of course not the best picture.
Wonder Twin power.....Syd and Brooke.
We also have the ice rink up (notice in the background) as these three wonders keep the neighborhood lets pray for some cold weather!!
And with the change of seasons comes sickness we had a man down last weekend with a stomach bug....wasn't that flu mist supposed to be avoiding this?? I hope that is the end of it.....
I think that about wraps up our fall.....

Monday, November 05, 2012


Another year, another week of Halloween.
The traditions seem routine, but impossible to give up, hence the the word "traditions". I guess they are worth repeating year in and year out!
We carved Pumpkins....Brady still does not like the goopey stuff and felt like he failed in his design compared to his big sister.....something that seems to be occurring a lot lately (ie, I can't draw as good, she is better at "x" than me....., its not fair being the little one) you get the picture so note to self not to start carving at 8pm when an already sensitive man is tired.

This was Brady's pumpkin which he was finally happy about after 30 minutes of complaining that it wasn't "as good as Brookies"
This was Brooke's, she carved it from start to finish herself
Then we headed to the Halloween school parade and class parties.... Brooke was too embarrassed to dawn the makeup in the middle of the hall in front of her peeps.
Brady's costume was easy peasy this year throw on a coat and hat and instant costume!
Getting ready for the main event.....Trick or treating.....Dad making our little zombie up....he did a good job....she looked creepy!
Wallah.....The Prom Queen Zombie!
Wanna Tango?
Indiana Jones.....reporting for duty.
Brady refused to wear the "fancy" brown shoes.....He wanted to be able to run his "fastest" so gym shoes it was!
I was waiting for her to break out into the "Thriller" dance.....costume turned out great despite the 15 minute "discussion" on putting long johns under the ripped shirt. As you can tell from the grey background it was typical Midwestern Halloween - wet and freezing!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words....
Off they go to the pre- halloween pizza party!
She plays the part
The pre-party came with a photo booth (why not right? another neighbor selling her photo business)
Indiana on the move.......
Corralling the children before we set them off into the wild......Literally as soon as someone said group picture over.....they spread like wild fire.....
Brady found another "pokey" neighbor who was happy to "stroll" the neighborhood with....These guys are like frick and no hurry.....just two lazy characters collecting some candy.....
This one not so much - they started running and looped the entire neighborhood probably twice. By the time they got back and started handing out candy they only had 6 peeps come through so along with all the candy they collected is that huge bowl sitting in my kitchen taunting me at every will be going to my work tomorrow morning!
Ironic that the last house she went to gave out toothbrushes and toothpaste.(He is a dentist not a pooper scooper.)
And Dunzo!!