Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Michigan's Adventure

The Wade's came to visit this summer and Brooke was able to celebrate her buddy Sydney's 12th birthday. Any reason for Brooke to get in the kitchen and make a cake!
We all went to Michigan's adventure for the day. These kiddos have known each other since birth and it floors me when I look at how old they are getting.
Neon Munson's reporting for adventure!

First generation of friends.....
We had a good day, lots of sun to enjoy both parks!
I smell trouble.....
I smell bigger trouble....

HAHA they were so mad they had to ride together!

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Miscellaneous happenings....

One of my favorite spots this summer.
Out on the deck reading with this guy.
 Brady taking command at Uncle Toms.

 Now the term "doggie paddle" seems like it was coined because dogs should have an instinctual talent of swimming. Not our little Roxy poop. She is like very "un-natural" as you get. She refuses to use her hind legs and just looks like a drowning horse. Lexi the dog whisperer worked diligently with her, she got her to jump in but still only where she knew she could touch. Baby steps.

 "ummm I guess I will just let it float to me."
 "come on, almost here...."

 Much more comfortable on land.
We also tested a new game.
Pantyhose tug of war.

It proved to be worth some laughs.
We got a chance to see a show at FMG.

Gary Clark.

and play hooky from work and catch up with some old college friends.

Wednesday, August 05, 2015


We made our annual trip to Detroit to go see a Tiger game.
It was a downpour for the entire two hour drive, we thought they wouldn't even start the game, but we continued on and luckily the clouds parted for the start of the game. We stayed lucky for about 5 innings where round two of the storm brewed upon us and sent us packing for home.
Chris wanted to show Brady "old tiger stadium" (i.e. "a field")
Brady was game, he got to hit on the field that all the greats did at some point.

While Brooke and I contemplated why we were standing in this field getting rained on.

Like I said beginning of game sunshine and smiles.
Then this happened.
And this boy, bless his heart did not want to throw in the towel.
Brady stood out in the rain while everyone else was corralled like cattle in here.
Brooke and I made trying to stay semi dry, and realizing we needed to pack it up and go home.
Can't win them all.