Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Need for Speed!!!

Brooke made her second apperance on the ski hill and showed a lot of improvement! She loves the big hills and going super fast - but lets be realistic Chris' back and thighs can only take so much :). So off to the super bunny hill they went and she really made a lot of progress - by the end of the night she was going down by herself (with Chris close at bay....) I wish I was still out there by then so I could of snapped some video of her - but Mom and Brady were lodge bound when the sun went down and dinner time approached! Here are some photos of downhill fun!

Instructor DAD......

Ready to hit the slopes!!
Brady only got to sled, but seriously loved running around at the end of the hill and watching sister go...go...go!
Thanks for being such a good trooper lil' one.

And Action......

In other news Mom and Dad - I am not sure why - but I am counting the days - oh yeah now I remember because we have apparently been living in Alaska for the past month.....I heard some random statistic on the radio that there has been snow 38 out of the last 43 days or something ridiculous! I don't remember last winter dragging out this long without some sort of relief.....So do a little sunshine dance for us - we are looking forward to it because somehow I won't be missing this too much

However I will be darn sad to see this face stay here in the tundra of winter and will miss him dearly! Somehow I know Dad has got some fine manly things for you to accomplish :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I've got my eye on you Devin K........

So with Valentines day fresh in our memories. There has been a lot of talk of hearts, love and marriage at the Munson household. Brooke has been cracking us up lately with her "love" talk. She came home from school one day explaining in an annoyed voice "Mom, Devin K. tells me that he loves me and wants to marry me every day....good greif" I say well that's nice. She replies in a now whinny 4 year old frusterated voice "But, mom I just don't know who to fall in love with!" (like this was seriously stressing her out and couldn't continue with life until she figured it out) I told her she wasn't the only one thinking that and that she had plenty of time to decide. oh vey!
Fast forward a few days later we hop in the car and she proceeds to tell Chris and I that Devin K. told her that he changed his mind and doesn't want to marry her and that he is choosing Maddy now. Insert defensive mom mode - I am all like who is this Devin K person and why isn't my little Brookie good enough for you now and who is this Maddy chick - then I snap back to reality and realize that I am talking with my FOUR year old and giggle at my instinctual reaction. So instead I just say "Don't worry Brooke, you'll find someone that is perfect for you one day!" She continues to press on - apparently this Devin K. struck a cord..."But mom, why do boys have to change their minds so much?" "Hmmm great question Brooke, why don't you ask your father" (insert sly smirk and glare towards Chris)haha! We concluded that unfortunately boys will do things that we may never understand so get used to it sista'!

On the other hand Brady spent his valentines day inserting his chompers into his friend Sabrina's arm for apparently getting too close to his Crayola's. Like I said Brooke..... Boys will do stuff that we will just never understand.

Now can we please move on to Easter where our main concern will be hiding from a stuffed human (because my kids hate the stuffed humans).I am hoping Easter won't initiate more life long LOVE lessons, but instead just the battle of who got more candy in their little fake plastic eggs! :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

And now were Solid ......Solid as a Rock!


Graphics contained in this blog might not be suitable for young children or adults browsing the internet on their lunch hour........

Well we have waited 19 long months but it finally happened - Brady had his first solid poop! I know gross huh? And as most of you are sitting there going why? why does she feel that this is necessary blog worthy news - well let me tell you it has been 581 days that we have been dealing with the horrendous side effects of not having one! So as ridiculous as it might sound to praise the solid stool - I will not let it go unnoticed my excitement for the first time I didn't have to encounter one the following:

  • Using a bare minimum of 5-15 wipes everytime we change him

  • The close calls of it exiting the top of the diaper from having such "loose form"

  • The gut wrenching thought of smearing as you catch a wif and see him bouncing on a ball or any other object

  • the sweating involved while keeping his hands occupied and busy while changing him hoping he doesn't start applying it as lotion...

  • a full on bath because you just don't have the energy or the quanity of wipes to tackle the job.

  • Bringing your pristine, smell so good want to eat him baby out of the bath in order to apply a fresh diaper only to smell mud 30 seconds later.

  • Hand washing onzies in the tub after a blowout.

  • Never really knowing if I moved enough parts around to really get rid of it all.

So you see this was a big day in the Munson household and we want to shout it from the roof tops - bring on the logs, pebbles, baby ruths, kids at the pool - whatever you wish to call them just keep them dense and firm! So come on and celebrate firm fecal with us!! Wahooo Brady!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Toe Pick.......

Well what else do you do when life throws a foot of snow your way (that's right M&D - how was Hawaii again?) - you bundle up and make lemonade out of Michigan's lemon weather. We took the kids ice skating (ie walking on ice) it was fun, the kids enjoyed it more when Chris did all the work and they got to experience top speed. Here are some pix of the event....

Lacing up......

Check it out Mom - real skates (thanks for having a small foot Luci!)

The lessons begin......

Here I go again - She thought falling was as much fun as "skating"

Toe Pick....

Poor Dad's Back!!!

Now presenting the shortest skate in history!!