On a snowy icy day I thought it would be a nice idea to break out the "EASY bake oven" Brooke got for her birthday.....She loves to help us cook and I told her we were making cake so she was so on board with that idea! I guess I don't really recall having one as a child - perhaps I always wanted one...And I am sure I thought I was an abused child for not having one - but as an adult I now realize there was really nothing to be that upset over!! :) So I can't say the label didn't warn me "for ages 8 and up" but like every mother I thought - My kid can handle this - its not like I am going to leave her to whip up items with an oven by herself - No I thought this would be something fun we can do together......Well in hindsight some things I didn't consider:
1. Who was the ingenious fool who thought it was a good idea to cook food by lightbulb? (and um yeah that's singular!) So the first instructions please preheat for 24 hours.....(really 15-20 minutes) but in Toddler time that is A LOT of time!
2. The cake batter was enough to fill a teaspoon measuring cup - and after 1/2 of that falls out of the bowl from a toddler like stirring frenzy there was enough batter to barey cover the pan

3. Next direction please cook for 10 minutes - also an eternity in a toddlers mind and lets face it in the day and age of microwave ovens - Puhlease!
4. Next let cool for 15 minutes - are you kidding me this cake that is the diameter of a life saver is now taking over an hour from start to finish - I think to myself "Man this better taste good!"
5. Something that is crafted in such an elegant purple and pink oven could turn out to look like this? Bless its heart!

6. But to see a three year old barely contain herself as she presented it to her dad and told him she made it all by herself was worth all the effort....
So the oven that wasn't so "easy" sure was a big hit in someone's eyes!