Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Give me a V dot the I curve the C-T-O-R-Y!!!

I have to admit I have hesitation even writing this - don't want to jinx it - But last night was the first night in 7.5 months that neither Chris and I arose from our flannel sheets to replace a binky, change a diaper, rub a forehead, or rock a Brady!! Brady slept through the night -it could be that he learned to roll over last week and Chris and I have populated the crib with MULTIPLE binkies just in the hopes that he will roll over and get it himself - and do wonders ever cease!! Everyone raise your glasses!! I can only hope and pray that this is a trend and sticks!


Sarah said...

And off to college he goes dude! Congrats!!

mapa said...

Congrats!!!! 40 winks feel so good.