Only in Michigan can you greet the morning and put on your Sunday Easter's best.........

Only in turn to find your self loading on snow pants, snow boots, coat, hat, gloves in order to make your way out to the Easter egg hunt in the SNOW (yep that's right 75 degrees last week, 30 and snowing this week!)

Like kids really care anyway.....oh candy and an egg I don't care if there is a hurricane...."I am going to get them!"

Brooke has ditched her basket (not large enough!) and just flailing about!
Victory - She has found more eggs that she can manage!
The ever so religious Munson's felt like church crashers over Easter we hopped on board a local Church's Easter egg hunt and festivities. It was funny people were like "oh who do you know in the parish?" "ummm no one" "we just came for the reception!!" haha - Actually everyone was very nice and inviting and they did a real nice job - Brooke enjoyed some face painting and a bounce house that she of course is obsessed with! While Mom and Dad hoarded the free hot dogs and popcorn - now this is a church we can possibly think about :)

Brady on the other hand is just like "what in the world?"
Every time I wake up I am in a different place and now I am standing next to a 7 foot dog and have no idea why!!

As if that wasn't enough excitement we figure hey Brooke's been good all morning lets head over to the Mall and torture her with a large stuffed human (something she has been frightened with since birth, but her mother must continue in order to get the pix!) Brooke still wasn't real excited with the Easter Bunny - she complied and sat NEXT too him and looks terrified and can't wait for the moment to end! After we leave she says "Dad I can see the man in the bunny costume, that wasn't the real bunny!" Great, already the dream has died? Does this mean I don't have to create "real
Easter basket filled with real gifts?"

And of course Poor Brady - yet again getting dressed for Mom's amusement, Happy Easter from the
lil' Chickadee......