Thursday, April 12, 2007

Happy 9 months to ME!!

Oh Hi there......So I continue to view life from a seated position but I am having a lot more fun now picking up toys and real food (most of it that you can still see on my face because my parents have bad lighting and always think they have cleaned me off - but I continue to be embarrassed in public as I always have carrots or squash stained cheeks!)
My mother's hat obsession is driving me over the edge but I put up with it I mean there can't be too many more baby hats that will fit my large cranium! Yeh Haw!
My parents keep telling me to crawl and get stuff but I just prefer to steam roll across the whole room to get to where I am going.....What's the rush?

I mean even rolling is exhausting.....just look at me....I am wiped out i don't have one more 180 left in me.....
Mom ....seriously enough pictures, I haven't even had a chance to pull myself together...don't get my baby rolls & elbow fat!
Anyway I am doing good - My mom says I am growing up WAY too fast....Happy 9 Months to me!

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