Friday, May 25, 2007

Memorial day fun.....

Here are the kids with their neighborhood posse having some fun over Memorial Day weekend!

Brooke grilling out hanging with her homeboys!Bouncing like there is no tomorrow!
The girls gone wild parade!
Nothing better than a smore around a campfire!
Brady Boo... giving mom some sugar!
One last juming attempt in the a.m. in their jammies!
Fun at the lake with Meg.

Brady checking out Luci's plunging neckline!

Luci doing a good job of keeping butterball hydrated.

Hope everyone had a great long weekend.......

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Generations of Friends!

Rachel and I have known eachother since the FIFTH grade - wow I feel old as I type that- She has been a friend for as long as I can remember and it is crazy to even think we have anything to talk about with eachother after so long, but I guess as we get older we continue to still share many things and right now its kids, houses, families etc..... We are fortunate enough that both our kids are very close in age and have been great playmates so far, I hope they can remain friends as long as we have! Here are some pictures of their visit last weekend.

Brooke and Syd were inseperable.....Brady was so happy to see someone on his level and playing field. They enjoyed swiping eachothers binkies :)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Lieutenant Dan reporting for crawling!

So Brady is on the move.... well I wouldn't really say his movement is crawling yet..... ummm after making his parents wait a good 10 months before even thinking about shaking a tail feather he is making up some new moves which made the wait worth it because it is most entertaining! He sort of reminds us of a wounded soldier. Hence the new nickname Lieutenant Dan (I know not very politically correct at this time in US history....). Now some kids get the army crawl going but this is more...... lets just say a mad attempt to get to the bunker for safety. He uses his two legs, one arm and his HEAD for the part that his second arm would normally take part in. Actually he might be onto something..... Let me back up Maybe he is just using his biggest asset to get him moving - umm yeah we went to his 9 mo. appt and his head circumference percentage....105%!!! HA! Bless his heart! So perhaps he is just using what he's got. I wish I could figure out how to attach video to this because it is really funny - but these pix will have to do!
There I go one arm forward.......
This is where I refuse to use my left arm and substitute my melon for leverage!
Laugh all you want fools - I got there just in my own special way!

Now that's using your HEAD Brady Boo!