Monday, April 06, 2009

To Cinamon and beyond........

That coming out of the mouth of a 2 year old Brady translates into "TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!" He hasn't quite mastered the "infinity" but he has however mastered Buzz Light Year's stance and we see it more often than not at inappropriate times. Such as the following.....
1. EVERY night at he refuses to eat his meal in a continuous flow, instead he needs to take several breaks in order to pose and announce who he is.....

Add Image2. At the hair cut place as he is done and launching down off of the chair.
3. Off the counter
4. Off his bed.
5. Off any playground equipment
So the fascination with Buzz has not wavered at this point which strikes me as odd since he literally hasn't seen the movie in over a month or so.....but so be it the boy likes himself an astronaut.
So here is a recent video of him at, yup dinner time, announcing who he is and what he stands for....but more hilarity ensues, at least for me, as you hear one Brooklyn, dying for some attention as she is trying to impersonate Woody just to get in on some of the video recording action..... The viewing for time and camera space has begun! Oh yeah and I am not sure why Buzz and Woody always seem to make an appearance naked.

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