Monday, June 14, 2010

Chalk it up......

I got to hand it to Rob Bliss, a local community event coordinator, he really gets people inspired. He created a "Chalk Flood" downtown. Free chalk and an open canvas on any sidewalk or flat surface in sight! We were really impressed at how much time and effort some of these people spent on something so temporary. It was fun to walk around and see every one's creative juices flowing. Really cool event for people to get involved in the downtown atmosphere! Here are some pix of our artistic impressions......

Brady prefers the abstract art.....

Brooke focused on her rainbow flower....

We all knew it was working on yep you guessed it...

Presenting Gene Simmons.


These next few are not the Munsons....but quite spectacular when you think they are using sidewalk chalk!

This next montage is just of a stinking cute boy and his cone

I included this video because I think it is hilarious how shy Brady can be, but then sometimes he just surprises you and jumps up on top of this fountain in the middle of downtown in front of globs of people and decides to shake his hips......funny little man!

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