1. This has been one of the nicest fall seasons I can remember, warm temps, sunshine, kids at a great age to enjoy all it has to offer etc. etc.
2. Each season seems to go quicker than the previous one…..
3. We have been extremely fortunate to get 3 hall passes for some adult free time! California, Traverse City with the girls, and Free Choice Saturday!
4. The colors have been gorgeous!
5. Pumpkin carving has not lost it's luster and continues to be looked forward to each and every year! Brooke carved her entire pumpkin by herself this year and didn't want to put the knife down!
Always anxious for the salty seeds to be done!
6. We try and take advantage and soak up all the fixings fall has to offer in Michigan which include:
Lions games & tailgating
with Sticky Icky....don't ask Chris seems to attract the strange.
Orchards with superhero buddies.
The funny part about this is when I told Brady we were meeting a friend the first thing he said is "oh no what am I going to wear? We have to call his mom and see what he is going to wear?" They apparently worked it out.
Relaxing before they take off on the bumble bee express.
It is turning out to be such an impressive event, the kids couldn't get enough of it, after dinner tonight three weeks later Brady asked "can we go down to artprize" Mom these are to show you what I was explaining to you......
all made out of crayons with the wrappers off.
Wood carving....ocean, land air animals from bottom to top...
A penny made out of pennies.
The winner.......all done with a pencil.
And of course the kid pleaser.....