Best turn event.....
So the group performance and turns and leap were no big whoop.......but the nail biting and shirt chewing began immediately after as she was set to do her group performance that she has been "throwing" together in the basement with not one routine being like any other one she did before that, basically winging it.....we thought it would be better that way she wouldn't stress about remembering the moves and she certainly didn't have trouble making up moves for hours on end in the comfort of our own home.....but the nerves were still there....making it worse we found out she was one of two people doing the "solo" event and the other people were a "group" of four.....don't ask me how that is considered a solo, but it was......Bless her heart...... Here is our little Olive, Kudos for her getting out there in front of a hundred people or so in the gym and at least giving it a shot, unfortunately she "froze" literally. As hundreds of eyes loomed on her she just froze, poor baby even worse her Toni Collete and Greg Kinnear didn't jump up on stage with her we just watched and waited......wah wah wah. The teacher gave her a shot to try again but she declined. She had a good attitude about it and laughed saying she couldn't remember what to do, and we told her stuff like that will come easier as she has more practice and she said, "yeah I know...." and that was it......
Here she is accepting her medals she placed first in turn, 2nd in group, and third in leap.....and wait for it ........wait for it......2nd in solo (remember when I said there were only two people signed up)
One happy girl with a lot of hardware to take home. Good job Brookie!
For those of you who haven't seen Little Miss Sunshine I thought I would include this....It is so great! http://http//