First Grade:
It was a hit. It went fast. She learned to read. She learned to spell. She learned to write. She became more confident. She made new friends. She got involved in everything. She excelled. She also as always got attached to her teacher. Mrs. G, as I like to say because seriously after the entire year I still have trouble pronouncing it, was a sweet, kind soul that let Brooke help out and run the show in her absence. From the first day off the bus she raved about how nice she was and I want to be a teacher just like her and on the last day of school as I was thanking Mrs. G for all she has done, her last words to me were, thank Brooke for me some days I didn't even need to be here, she is cut out for this line of work! So with the attachment comes the mourning of said nice teacher. It only happened twice this time both at night, but the sobbing and tears came as she expressed how much she will miss her and she doesn't want any other teacher but her. I just laid with her and admitted how much it stinks, but reminded her that it stunk last year when you left kindergarten, and the year before when you left young fives, and the previous four years when you would change classes at always stinks but each year you get these fabulous teachers each one being as great as the next. Its okay to miss someone, it is natural and she will always be there with open arms to give you guidance if you need it when you are across the hall in second grade. She agreed and that was that.
It was a hit. It went fast. She learned to read. She learned to spell. She learned to write. She became more confident. She made new friends. She got involved in everything. She excelled. She also as always got attached to her teacher. Mrs. G, as I like to say because seriously after the entire year I still have trouble pronouncing it, was a sweet, kind soul that let Brooke help out and run the show in her absence. From the first day off the bus she raved about how nice she was and I want to be a teacher just like her and on the last day of school as I was thanking Mrs. G for all she has done, her last words to me were, thank Brooke for me some days I didn't even need to be here, she is cut out for this line of work! So with the attachment comes the mourning of said nice teacher. It only happened twice this time both at night, but the sobbing and tears came as she expressed how much she will miss her and she doesn't want any other teacher but her. I just laid with her and admitted how much it stinks, but reminded her that it stunk last year when you left kindergarten, and the year before when you left young fives, and the previous four years when you would change classes at always stinks but each year you get these fabulous teachers each one being as great as the next. Its okay to miss someone, it is natural and she will always be there with open arms to give you guidance if you need it when you are across the hall in second grade. She agreed and that was that.
The last day of school she was all smiles and a face full of sugar - what was there to be sad about?
Brooke and Mrs. G....
Another reason that the last day of school was so great was she participated in the school talent mock rock show. This is the same girl that literally froze in front of a gym of strangers during her dance recital a few months ago. Maybe a gluten for punishment or maybe having a solid friend by her side made all the difference. Madison and Brooke worked really hard on their performance and had a blast performing it. Here it is......
Another reason that the last day of school was so great was she participated in the school talent mock rock show. This is the same girl that literally froze in front of a gym of strangers during her dance recital a few months ago. Maybe a gluten for punishment or maybe having a solid friend by her side made all the difference. Madison and Brooke worked really hard on their performance and had a blast performing it. Here it is......
As the principal was interviewing all the participants about what their favorite part of their year was and as everyone gushed about their teachers and how they are the greatest things ever....this is what Brooklyn had to say......
apparently the mourning is over and Summer is on!
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