Tuesday, August 14, 2012

VA - KA - SHUN - Sunsets

We were able to witness some beautiful sunsets over the water.....here are some....

Brooke glowing in the sunset...
 Brady taking a picture of himself however missing the sun entirely....
 Playing in the water waiting for the sun to go down...
 I got the whole world  sun in my hands.......
 Brooke is also crushing someone with her elbow....

 Lexi and Brady....

 So close but yet so far away.....
Caught a freighter going by.... 
 Mom and Dad waiting for the ball to drop....
and just as the sun has set so has my blogging about this VA-KA-SHUN...

Thursday, August 09, 2012

VA-KA -SHUN - Watersports.

We took full advantage of being on the lake and tried to spend as much time in that beautiful blue goodness. The kids swam like crazy but they also enjoyed all the toys too......

Brooke and Lexi out for a Kayak Ride.
 Grandpa couldn't get over the color of the water.....
 Morning exercise ....Check.
 The house we rented had these paddle boards that were a lot of fun. Brooke's working on her balance.
 She could teach her uncle a thing or two....
 But in typical Tom fashion he wasn't going down without a fight....
 two hours later.......
 For the five seconds of glory.....
 Kids came up with a bunch of fun games with them.....here's walk the plank....
 Brooke got so good at this she would take herself on a tour.......
 Boat time......
 The girls....tubed .....and tubed......and tubed......and tubed.....and tubed....

 Brooke roped Dad in for a ride....

 Then Jake and Dad went for a rough ride...
 I love this picture because Brooke gets a taste of her own medicine....as Lexi clearly is giving the signal for faster and it looks like Brooke is all set at the current speed.
 Tom got up on skis!
 Brady enjoyed the sights from INSIDE the boat......
 Grandpa gave skiing the ol' college try.....
 Brooke gave up too easily on the skis - I think she wasn't ready for the rush of water that you get....a few more times she would of had it.....next time!
 Mom threw caution and her NECK to the wind and gave it a go.....
 Chris was also successful.....the water was soooo smooth it was a skiers dream!
 Heading out for some more activity....

 The water is so shallow you literally have to push the boat out so you don't suck up the sand.
 Mom and her lil man out for a tour.....
 enjoying the day.....
 Don't be fooled Brady was only posing for the picture, he never hit the start button. Not sure why he didn't have it in him this year.
 On the flip side this one was 100% in! These two goof balls going together is scary as evidenced by my conversation with her when I was the next one to take her out......."AWH mom your going so slow.....floor it and start doing doughnuts like Uncle Tom......" oh boy.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

VA - KA - SHUN - Sleeping Bear Dunes

So the story goes......

Many years ago, in a state now called Wisconsin, lived a mother bear and her two cubs. One day, as they were in the woods gathering food, a fire broke out. All of the animals, including the mother bear and her cubs, had to leave the forest. The mother bear and her cubs swam across Lake Michigan to the state we now call Michigan. It was a very long swim. Soon, the two cubs grew very tired and fell behind their mother. When the mother bear came to the shores of Michigan, she climbed to the highest point she could find, a large hill made of sand, and waited for the cubs. She waited and waited and waited. But her cubs could not make the long journey. Instead, the Great White Spirit, who watched over all the animals, turned the cubs into two islands. The mother bear, who soon grew tired, saw her two cubs in the lake and knew that the Great White Spirit had taken care of them. She soon saw the two islands in Lake Michigan. Knowing that her cubs were safe, she soon fell fast asleep. Today, the cubs are known as North Manitou Island and South Manitou Island. Their mother, who the Great Spirit covered with sand to keep warm, now watches over her cubs from her spot atop the giant hill made of sand. We call her Sleeping Bear Sand Dune.

They were truly a sight to see.......the pictures don't do it justice......

Mom and Brooke getting ready for the climb.
Hey Lexi .....wait up........
Deep knee bends.......feel the burn......
Dad and I taking a break half way up.....
Victory shot from the top!!
We were instructed to not keep going over the dune down to Lake Michigan as it is a mile an a half down and most people don't think about it until they are climbing back up and saying .......why did we go down this??? So we took there advice and climbed back down from where we were.
Lexi strutting her stuff......she was the first one up....
Did we think that he wouldn't?
Of course we knew he would.......
The best part of conquering the climb up is the run down!
Monkey see monkey do......
Brooke faked an ankle injury for a fee ride....
super weird when she got to the bottom it suddenly felt better.......hmmmm
After the climb there is a scenic overlook drive that we all took and say these amazing views......
This is the spot they promoted on Good Morning America...... It's nice to look at from the top but not to go down and up again (refer to Jake at end of post)
It had a very steep drop off to the beach and it made us all very nervous upon our first trip there...
Then Tom senses every one's hesitation and well you know.....did what Tom does :)
Including grabbing both my ankles and pulling me down the hill....
I was cleaning sand out for days.......
Brooke getting a bit more brave....
It was hard to not sit there all day and just look...
Freighter coming though.....
Mom and the sand dune.....the knee brace and the climb did not agree.....
This was Jake prior to running down the hill and this was Jake after he had to climb back up it...although he did it in an impressive 20 minutes......but felt like throwing up afterward........

And that my friends is The Sleeping Bear Dunes....