As I am slowly catching is what kept us busy in April (or what I can remember!)
I am not even quite sure how this started, but the gauntlet was thrown because we don't frequent church that in order to do our civic duty on Easter Chris would do the following......
Chris and I ran and the kids biked about 2 miles ahead of us out of sheer embarrassment. You would be amazed how many thumbs up, honks, and waves we got as people made their way to the steeple. Then the kids decided to stay close by as dad was "semi cool" for randomly spreading the Easter joy???
We headed out to Grandma Munson's for Easter, and this was the Easter outfit compromise from Brady. I think he is smiling because he kind of won the compromise.
Roxy found another old Viszla on the beach that lives just a few houses down. This one was so calm and chilled we felt hopeful for our own sake until they told us she was 10 years old. 9 more to go. Oh yeah take note the ice chunks still in existence in April.
Our pretty girl catching some rays.
Chris' 40 and over hockey team managed to bring home the championship again!
Payoff for all the aches and pains .......
Brady continued to enjoy cub scouts - they got to do a lot of cool stuff this year. That's him in the green shirt in the ambulance.
They went to a broadcast at a radio station.
Brooke got to join in on this tour. Hopefully this will be her only time in that vehicle!
April brought on many hopes and dreams of a Stanley cup but to no avail......
I just wanted to document that both my kids were not in athletic shorts for a short period of time.
Brooke had a tourney in Lansing.....
They didn't win one game but always have a blast, and their poor coach is so compliant with them. This was a surprise they made him eat out of all the leftovers from lunch at Applebees.....
Roxy ran into yet another Viszla at the dog park - this one 3 months younger than her. They went BANANAS to say the least. we couldn't even tell them apart they were in hog heaven.
Then finally Brady was unassisted in his rollover and advanced to the next lane for swim lessons.
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