Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Baseball for Brady

Brady has been wanting to give baseball a try and as much as I am a firm believer in taking the summer off, I was also worried that the league play in the spring was a bit too hard core for my liking So when a parent told me about a low commitment league with the Y and games during the week we decided to give it a whirl and we are glad we did. He really liked it and it was really fun to watch him. He still seems so young out there, but its fun to watch him catching on.
There are not many things cuter than this:


Brady seemed to get what to do....he didn't have much trust in his teammates yet, so more often than not when he would get the ball he would run down the player to get him out instead of throwing to the base.....it worked but we need to work on his team approach.

Case in point got the ball.....and running him down instead of throwing to home plate.
Almost there....

And your outta here!
This was a whole new level for spectators than T-Ball, recall my distaste for the slow movement of T-Ball.....anyway pleasantly surprised this one has a bit of hand eye coordination and made contact more often than not!

So true to form, he found something he likes so he goes 100% in, he will want to play catch for hours on end with anyone that is willing, he sorts cards and organized them by team, color, and position. He randomly goes to signings now (as much as we didn't influence him to try baseball the signings I am sure was due to someones influence....I will let you guess)
So I think obsession a la summer of 2014 = Baseball.

Sweet Lou, Dad and Son.
Can you say field of dreams.....

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