Saturday, September 06, 2014

Color Me Happy......

Brooke signed up for her first 5K run.
The Color Run.
There wasn't a whole lot any training on her part, "Mom I'm a kid, I will just run"
Thinking I would be doing a lot of walking with her due to her rigorous training commitment, but her youth proved me wrong as she ended up running most all of it.
Starting all fresh faced and clean.....
She was excited to get on her costume she made and get down to the starting line because I don't think she knew what she was in for.


I don't think she understood the amount of people that also enjoy getting dirty while getting a little exercise in, so she got a bit overwhelmed when she saw the crowds and a straight up band and dance party happening at 7am. She was really enjoying being a part of it all.....
Case in point a random unicorn, and dance aerobics going on all before breakfast.

She eventually warmed up and got into the spirit of things......
Here we go.....we got this......
There was no lack of Photo Ops.....

Getting in line to start.....
Finding brother for some encouragement....
And we are off.....Idea being you pass through five stations of different colors here she got her pink on...
We quickly learned to keep our mouths closed, and finally realized whey people had bandanas over their mouths....
Our girlie trudging through yellow.....
Crossing the finish line together!
The things we will do to keep running interesting....
At the finish line you were handed a color pack to then take to the after party where yet again you could get doused with color.....Brady joined in on this part.....such a cool, weird scene.

We did it!!!
This fun event gave a new meaning to the term "hit the showers!"

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