Thursday, October 23, 2014

Greenfield Village - 5th grade field trip.

Brooke's class headed to Greenfield Village recently and I was able to join. I kept hearing of this place and as I didn't grow up around here I wanted to check it out for myself too! Chris still remembers going there for a class trip when he was younger.
The kids were great, easiest chaperone group ever. Perhaps because they were all girls, or perhaps because they are getting older, but just really enjoyable fun little people.
Some of Brooke's favorites were JFK's car.

She made me take this one for Brady, since it is his favorite place.
What a nice sister!
Rosa Parks Bus.

Oscar Mayer weinermobile!
Oscar Brooklyn Meyer.....
We had great weather to spend the afternoon at all the outside exhibits.
This was Brooke's favorite - glass blowing - she was mesmerized.
Our group of gals with their beloved teachers!

Edison's lab.
Lastly, Lincoln's chair.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Clowning Around

I was able to take my three clowns to the circus and head to the floor and pretend to dress and act amongst the experts.....We might just give them a run for their money.

No one trusts clowns including this Dad.....

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Are you ready for some football?

Brady tried flag football this fall and to say he found his happy place would be an understatement.
He loved it. The only thing he complained about was that the season was too short.
It was really fun to watch him try something new and really get into it
Here is our superstar.....and his first magazine cover photo (hahaha - so ridiculous)
(secretly hoping the novelty wears off before he is allowed to play tackle)
Brady always kept his flags very protected.....
He is number 2 if the Michigan hat didn't give it away.
Taking instructions from coach...
Quote after first game: "That was awesome, when do I play next?"

Football has been an interest for about a year now, so Chris finally felt like it was a good time to let him tag along with his season tickets. He finally is concerned more with the game and not the concessions (insert why Brooke isn't going) He was super excited and his first game was seeing the Lions beat the Packers!
You didn't think they would just head to their seats did you? Down on the field for warm ups!

Gear on, smiles on, game on.
I think it is accurate to say he enjoyed it, and I think it is accurate to say that I have seen my last Lion's game. Chris said he was super into it banging on the seat, hooting and hollering. Chris even mentioned he caught him pounding on his chest in excitement (haha)!
Meanwhile back at flag football......
This was one of Brady's TDs!
"go for the flag not the throat!"
This is our boheimen princess watching the game.
Action photo - Brady is proving to have some wheels on him.
I love this picture because Brady is literally the only one with his eyes on the prize (far right corner)
Ain't no one stopping me....
Hut Hut Hike.....
A good undefeated season and super fun to watch him be so into it! Until next fall.