Friday, April 17, 2015

Froggy Day - Part Deux.

Brady's musical circuit is on the same rotation as Brooke's class since they rotate every three years. Therefore we had our second viewing of The Froggy Day in Lindentown!
Brady followed in his sister's footsteps and played the part of a Pollywog.
Brady continues to amaze me as he never spoke of the musical, never hummed a song at home, never discussed his role. Whereas when Brooke is in a production the whole family will be reciting what she has been singing or humming from dawn until dusk. But low and behold on the night of the performance, he knew all the words, knew all the moves, and participated in the front row. It's very fun to watch this once shy guy coming into his own!

Following are some video clips to show him in action!
And that wraps up the 2nd grade musical.

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