Brady signed up for Baseball this spring. We worried if it was too early for him, as this is one sport with a high failure rate, but he absolutely loved it, and so did his coach, "Coach DAD". Chris was happy to get back involved with the game even if it entailed coaching 8-9 year old boys who have the attention span of fleas. Brady did well, he made contact more times than not, and really looked like he understood the game. We still need to work on his sportsmanship and shaking it off when he isn't Babe Ruth, but its good to see a bit of a passion in there, we just need to funnel it correctly. We all though it was fun to watch our bugs in action. Here are A LOT of photos of his season, because there is nothing cuter than a little boy in a baseball uniform!
Brady up to bat.
Wind up.
Making contact, even with his eyes closed.
Fielding the ball.
Knowing what to do with the ball once you get it is really the name of the game.
Remember those attention spans I mentioned gets the best of any 8 year old boy.
Back at it....
It was fun to watch these two connect over something they both love.
Out at first.....
Brady running someone out at first.
Got em.....
As always Brady loves a costume, when dad came home with this number. He wanted to immediately wear it and be catcher, well until one pitch hits him in the face cage, then it was just playing dress up.
Which I would find him more often than not out in our yard like this.
The team didn't have the best record, but they knew how to celebrate when and if they did win!
Ninja season pizza party.
They love the crazy pose.
Brady was fortunate enough to be voted to the all star game by his teammates. This was a big ego booster for a little boy that is always way to hard on himself. Proud of you bugs!
The all star game was a whole new ball game to watch. Brooke even claimed that the 8 inning all star game goes faster than the 6 inning regular games. It was fun to watch all these boys make great plays and be engaged the whole time!
Accepting his certificate.
The torch has been officially passed.
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