Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Whose Kid Are You???

So Brady had his first B-day party last weekend and if he didn't look like his father's clone - I would have thought we got the wrong baby at the hospital! Brady apparently doesn't like Sweets.....of course we had the inaugural unveiling of the Birthday cake and as the paparazzi were waiting on bated breath they were sorely disappointed..... Not so much.......and I would say that it could have been the 50 cameras staring him down that spoiled his appetite, but we tried several times while just in the company of mom and dad..... cake, ice cream ......NADA! these pictures look like we we were seriously trying to get him to eat Brussels sprouts.....

ohhhh the agony!!!!

But give this kid some bread, crackers, carrots & fruit and then you finally get that "I have buried my face into my food" picture we were all hoping for at the party.......

So now the question remains who is this lil boy who has been living with us for a year and doesn't enjoy the sweet sensation of sugar?????

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