Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Once a upon a three year old's world........

So lately everything has been "Mom I am not Brooke" "I am the princess" "we are not going to Meijer's we are going to the ball" Okay so who am I? .... and usually it is "Mom you are the Queen (no complaints from me:) ) Dad is the King and Brady is the prince" This is great she is definitely into full on magic kingdom mode and I hope her land of make believe continues because in Mom's warped head this is all I can think of.........

Seriously another costume change??? Is this why we do 80 loads of laundry a week? That better not be dry clean only!! :)

Riding in on her white knight ........While mom prays she doesn't touch anything in order to avoid pink eye" haha.......

In order to finally capture one of the many eligible princes........ I just pray these princes can get a word in edgewise :)

But really all in all - worries aside...... as any parent would wish - I just wish she live "happily ever after!"

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