Well at least it seems like there has been lately. We have had at least someone sick in the house for the past three weeks and I am ready to insert each kid into a plastic bubble and wipe it down with a
disinfected wipe hourly! We have been through the
gamete lately.....stomach flu, head cold, teething,
lethargic sleepy kids, full on
Case in point - everything seems to be back to normal for a few days so Chris and I decide to take the kids to a
Halloween party the other night and
amidst all the fun and excitement I pick Brady up from the play gym (who has been bombing out having fun on the slide) and he proceeds to projectile vomit all over the gym filled with 100 kids and all over mom! We are talking head to toe covered in curdled milk and god only knows what else........I seriously felt like I was Sissy
Spacek in "Carrie" when all the pigs blood is dropping down on her at the homecoming dance and everyone is staring in bewilderment......I was getting the same
dagger stares from 101 moms thinking "
OMG who brought their sick kid to a
Halloween party?" I wanted to scream "
Ummm this is something new folks"
Then today Brooke has been flat on her back and sleeping most of the day away.........

So hopefully we are on to healthier and happier times ahead........I mean really it can't get any worse right? (
A better day with the kiddos last weekend........ Brady is OBSESSED with balls and thought all the pumpkins were balls - just screaming "BALL" "BALL"
everytime he saw them - OH which brings me to the point of Brady is starting to speak! Ball his first word - It was Brooke's first too!

Please ignore Brady's diaper which looks like it weighs 400lbs and apparently busted open his pants :) Parents of the year we are!!
And I will leave with you with a random thought......
Is it weird that my daughter sees a "boy" friend at
Norstroms rack and tackles him in the shoe isle to hug and start to wrestle him with pure glee??
While my son randomly falls asleep to the instrumental version of "Eternal Flame" by the Bangles every night??????