Sunday, October 14, 2007

I am still Floored - did she really just turn FOUR???

That's right my lil baby girl is 4 years old already! We had a great action packed weekend and she loved every minute of it....
I will start it out with a funny lil convo I had with the birthday girl...
As we take off to go pick up her birthday cake.....I am buckling her into her car seat and give her a big smooch on the lips and say "I love my 4 year old girl" and she looks me dead in the eye and replies..... "I love my 100 year old mom" Fade to black...... I raced home and ordered a botox injection STAT.....(just kidding mom....don't call!)

So off we went to her big Gymnastics Bus party! Brooke and her friends got to tumble their lil hearts out on this gutted out school bus! It appeared to be a big success and fun for all the kids.
Then they got to flail around a park on a nice fall day enjoying parachute games, a bounce house and of course pounds of frosting with only the poor little cake pieces left on the plates!

So another year passes and Brooklyn you still make us laugh and continue to be the family clown.....You have faced a lot of change this past year; welcoming your lil brother into our world and your supply of toys :), you changed daycares, started preschool, learned to ride your bike, learned to stay dry ALL NIGHT, you have become a lil' book worm and our lil math wiz (I swear she provokes this herself - I mean its not like I am making her do debits and credits). You have also made our bellies ache as you have gained the insight of "bathroom humor" I can't imagine who you picked this up from but we try to do our best and say "Brooke that isn't polite" as we bust out a laugh half way through (sorry it's just hereditary!) This is not to say that you haven't presented us with some challenges along the way! You have gained so much independence and "think" you can accomplish everything by yourself, which I admire as I type this, but probably react differently when you actually try to do everything by yourself! And you have proven that you REALLY enjoy getting the last word in whatever it may be, but most of all we have watched you grow a year older, a few inches taller, a great deal wiser, and have enjoyed every waking moment (well maybe not every WAKING moment like when you get up at 3 am and tell us your toe itches.....oh vey!)

We love you boobers!

Sincerely your 100 year old mom!

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