Sunday, October 07, 2007

one more "step" from Babyhood....

Well he is making strides but still not 100% off and running....... but he is getting more confident - but seriously taking his time and really taking advantage of the clique "baby steps!" Not real sure why the video is sideways too - it was right side up when I started??

Another Milestone occurred .... Brady finally made the sign language connection this weekend - Well I don't fault him - I can't say we have been as dedicated with him as we were with Brooke, but I guess persistence paid off he finally was doing "more" consistently this weekend! Horray! Please excuse the annoying "overly proud" loud voice from mom!

This video i just thought was funny of Brooke - have to turn your volume up - she was so concerned about being on video I am surprised she didn't get knocked in the face with the ball! Priorities!

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