Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Dewy Decimal System.....

The Munson public library is in desperate need of some sort of book catalog organization system. I am not sure the Dewy is capable of handling the monstrosity that the kids have accumulated. They are EVERYWHERE and I know, books the best things around, I will agree, and I love them and both my kids love them, they are natural book worms, but the piles must stop! We recently, in honor of National Reading month, took all the books out of every nook and corner and compiled them into one large heap (you see as their preschool teacher grandma is closing in on retirement the heaps gets bigger and bigger with each visit - trust me everyone couldn't be happier about it, except our floor!) So before I got over the top anal and literally started printing up labels with 125.6 BRA and 136.89 BRO on them Brooke agreed to help organize (Brady we sort of had to keep in on the down low..... "NO MY BOOKS!") and pull together younger books that we don't really use anymore and donate them to their school. We are making progress - however now that they are laid out into a vast sea on our carpet - the kids (mainly Brady) don't want to put them away - they are playing Library, making piles and forts out of them......so the library is still under construction, but we are getting there!

Brooke is starting to get into the reading thing - she is "required" to read 15 minutes or more every night and then has to turn in a coupon verifying she did - in order for her to win tix to a minor league baseball game and have a school party - so she is full force - case in point - she told me tonight "the boys in our class are really falling behind, the girls are reading a lot more"

Also her teacher, bless her heart, has instituted a "NO TV day" one day each week to promote reading -Brooke isn't as into this contest per say, but I think it is something to strive for....however one of them is on a Tuesday when Chris has them home - we will see how that pans out :)

So in honor of National reading month I will turn off this darn computer and honker down with some educational reading, US magazine.....I swear there ARE articles in it, inspiring, captivating, intriguing articles!

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