Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The Munson household is in full recovery mode on many different levels:

both recovering from fevers and the general blahs of staying in P.J.s for three days.

recovering from some major leg pain induced by running - getting olds a treat!

Recovering from having two sick kids home in the general blahs in P.J.s for three days.

Our house:
Recovering from one creative, but extremely messy Brooke...... it is endless
  • She must be painting or having piles of shaving cream to play in at all moments of the day
  • You can open our freezer at any point in the day and there will be a new "experiment" sitting in a Dixie cup ready to freeze (usually colored water with some cereal and broken up spaghetti noodles)
  • She has discovered food coloring and has fallen in love - little does she know it stains everything!
Our alarm clock:
recovering from it's six month hiatus now that Brady has slept past 6:30 since the daylight savings time

So hip hip hooray to healthier times ahead!

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