So it's about that time - Potty time.........
I seriously was so excited to get going with Brooke and it seemed to come a bit more naturally a few sticker charts and a small threat of not being able to wear pink and she was good to go.Not so much with Bradymeister.
We are going to have to pull it up from the bootstraps for this one stubborn dude!He could care less about going, he requests for his diaper to be put back on, he doesn't find anything special about sitting on it, flushing it, watching videos about appeal what so ever. School is working with him on 15 minute intervals and still nothing! I think we are going to have to attempt a naked weekend boot camp - but who wants to give up a weekend? Luckily the weather stinks and it just might be something we gotta do. Case in point......... this guy doesn't budge when the TV is on Superman and Buzz light year could be live and in person sitting in front of him doing the hokey poky and he wouldn't notice - it is eyes glued on set when it is on. So I thought okay lock and load - put super friends on a continuous loop place the toilet in front of said super friends video and plop one Mr. Munson on toilet........for sure he would go right?......90 minutes later after having him chug milk and water.......I got nothing folks......NOTHING.......
Bless this little guys heart he could have been sitting on a catus and wouldn't have cared.....
It's going to be a long road ahead.....but I am not going down without a fight - I am going into this weekend armed with Superman stickers, a new Superman Shirt and many many threats!! Wish me luck!
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