Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just Play

Isn't that what a kid is all about? responsibilities..... Just eat....sleep ....poop....and PLAY! It's so fun to watch their imaginations at work and be so care free or be so serious about "getting the bad guys" like it is the most important task of the day....I wish there were days where I could throw on my cape and mask and ride my batmobile to work and hope no one would care that I was fighting corporate culture in my underoos, but unfortunately they do care or at least our HR "dress policy" would care - so live it up my babies your only a kid once! Here's some pix of the kiddos living the dream......
Brady our little monkey boy - if there is something to climb he is all over it!

Our other lil' monkey decided to use the banister as her own personal balance beam.
Enjoying the great fall weather out at the park!

Peek - a - boo

Superman trying to keep up with wunner wuman......

He hasn't mastered the "flying" yet - in his defense I am sure Superman started with training wheels too!
Do you see a theme here.....#1we do alot of saving evil role playing around here lately...#2 Brady pretty much wears pajamas every day......
Off to the hall o' justice......

"oh yeah we got the bad guys.......oh yeah......." most superheros celebrate a victory with the running man.
Fighting crime is a lot of hard work out in the heat......
Cool down Batman ya done good.

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