Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Funny little people......

These two have been cracking me up lately, Brady more on an innocent level of discovery that he can be funny and make people laugh, Brooke on more of a eye opening wow she really gets stuff level......just wanted to remember a few...

While having his hand in his pants (which is more often than not......)
M: Bugs ya gotta go potty?
B: Nope just playing with my penis....

Brooke while giving dad fist pumps after they beat me in UNO.....
Brooke: Boo-yahhhhh (while her fist did some explosion movement)
So when mom thought does she even know what that means?? Do I even know what it means? I looked it up and apparently she does because it was totally used in context.
Often Said when 'schooling'/beating your competition... almost as is you were sayin 'in Yo' face Mo'Fo'...
Brady: Do we stay home today
Mom: Yes
Brady Yes......We have a winner (said to the voice of a race track announcer)
When M&D are trying to hide our laughter when we should be acting mad
Brooke: "oh yeah baby I see a grin in there........I am off the hook"
Mom: Brady you were such a good helper for Mommy at the store today
Brady: You can say that again!
When Brady was getting blood drawn at the hospital the other day....(which by the way he was a champ and not one wimper....)
Brady: I don't want to have a hole in my arm and they should fix it.
When getting out of the bath and having a deep meaningful life convo....(haha)
Brady: If Robin is batman's best friend who is mine?
Brooke: me......
They keep us smiling (most of the time!)

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