Saturday, February 20, 2010

Go Fish!

Well I think this will be the summer where Mom and Dad's fear will subside a bit as I feel confident that if Brooke fell in somewhere she could swim herself to the side without panic. She is truly "getting it" a bit more each Saturday and the fear factor will stay consistent as both Mom and Dad know that Brady wouldn't dare leave the ledge or the steps where his feet can't touch.

The kids are enjoying their swim lessons and gearing up for G'ma & G'pa's pool in a few weeks. It is great, they are both in the pool at the same time in separate classes which is fantastic for scheduling purposes, but what is so cute is that after each one of their "turns" they both touch base get together and discuss "something" and then return to their respective classes. It is cute to see them check up on each other. See below....

Hey Marina....I just put my face in the water....Hey Kiki I just swam across the pool - okay smell you later......(BTW Marina & Kiki are what they are calling each other these days....and yup Brady is Kiki)

Here is a video of Brooke swimming the length of the pool she is very proud of herself and her teacher told her she could move up a few levels.....something that was repeated to me a few 100 times on the ride home.

Brady is also getting a bit more brave he at least "gives in" a bit when asked to step away from the ledge into the deep blue yonder..... This one you sort of get a bit of Brooke and Brady in passing...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Keeping busy....

So the winter months are actually passing quite quickly for me this year, I have heard a lot of talk about the winter months dragging on lately and I feel like I am not there yet. We have been busy this year which I think helps plus our "spring break" vacation is quickly approaching so we feel like we need to get in all the winter activities that we can because before we know it that sun will be shining again! Now isn't that 1/2 glass full for me!

Brooke is busy with school, girl scouts, swimming lessons, ice skating, and soon to start gymnastics.

The girl scout code.....

Lacing up the skates - Brooke is at a point where she is actually "pushing off" now Brady well he just enjoys falling.

Brady is busy with being a superhero, going on the toilet (insert loud yells and screams!!), music glass, gymnastics, playing in the snow & swim lessons.

Even Spidey can suit up for Hockey....

I don't think he even minds....just all smiles.

Mom is busy with memorizing her calendar on a daily basis so she doesn't forget anything, working, doing tax returns, organizing a Fantasy league, scrap booking, and feeling the calm after a 30 day whirlwind at doctors offices every day!

Brooke logging some time in on her computer while mom works!

Dad is busy perfecting his bat collection, training for a marathon, working, playing hockey and trying to leave the darn house that he doesn't seem to do often!

I may be the only one hoping for some more snow......but I want to enjoy the last of winter!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Crabby Munson

And no I don't mean any one of our family members on any given day......I mean our "pet", of sorts. I feel like I have never introduced him formally because honestly I forget about him sometimes. He is low maintenance (part of the purchase appeal)...until last week when we "lost" poor crabby..... We often (meaning the kids) take him out and let him get some exercise in the kitchen or family room. Well the other night I saw that he wasn't in his cage and asked "Ummmmm where is Sandy Claws?" (his birth name but he prefers "Crabby"). Brooke seemed to get wide eyes and a bit of panic when I asked so we knew who to drill with the rest of the questions.....well apparently she took him out while she was eating breakfast and here it was 7:30 P.M. She said she had him on the counter so now I am envisioning a cracked shell and a random crab in the bottom of my sheets. We went on a man hunt and finally found him under a table in the family room no scratches no bruises just a crab in a shell trying to make it's way back to Florida. So Crabby I hope you enjoyed your Ferris Bueler's Day off but let's not try anything funny Mom doesn't need a surprise crawling across her face in the middle of the night. Is this why people get dogs? Here we didn't think he would make it a week after we brought him home from Florida in September and low and behold he is withstanding the 65 degree heat his dad lays upon him and the two days of sunshine he gets to enjoy this season. Happy Belated welcome to the family Crabby!
Not the cutest pet in the world but the kids love to show him off and give him baths.....He comes out when he is placed in water.

It ain't the shores of the Gulf .......Welcome to the Midwest :)