Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Killing me softly with his song......

I have been singing the same two songs to Brady before bed from the day he was born. Over time, he would chime in with a word or two here and there, but really just he would just lay and enjoy the petting and listening to his tone deaf mother. Just this last week he said "Mom I think I can do it tonight" And boy did he.....he sang every word, he petted my cheek, rubbed my eyebrows just like I do for him that send him into a coma, and I just thought wow here is payday! Worth every dirty diaper, every appointment with a speech therapist, and worth every sleepless night! Brady I could listen to this over and over and never get sick of it.....Thanks for my nightly lullabies you sweet sweet boy!

I know it's a bit Corny because that big purple dinosaur took it for his theme song, but I still love it!

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