Sunday, September 18, 2011

Indian Summer

Camping in September, it was risky who knows what mother nature would present us with. We ended up giving it a go and experienced great summer like days and cool nights, nothing that a campfire and some cozy tent time couldn't solve. But apparently we were the only ones giving it a go, we were literally the only ones at the campsite that night. I guess September is really the best time to travel! We got to enjoy Pentwater and had a great time with Poppa and Penny!

Brooke actually volunteering to do dishes, each and every meal.......note to self plastic camping tub for our kitchen at home!

Our Campsite.

Relaxing with my girl.

Beach time with the skin board.

Finding skipping stones....

Brooke on the skimmer.....

Our fun find - a baby turtle that just hatched.....The kids loved him....

Dad trying to teach Brooke.

Jumping for Joy!

Another successful camping trip with the kids.

Thanks for the great company and good eats P & P!

And last but not least I finally got to experience my first letter boxing hunt, at a graveyard no less.....

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