Our Ninja warrior had one request this winter. Karate. Brady is constantly pretending to be a ninja, more along the lines of the mutant turtle or the Lego ninjago, than the disciplined concentrated type. So we went off searching for Karate classes for five year olds. We spent one morning "viewing" a class at a Karate "Academy", and thank goodness we did. The class had 9 year olds, 40 year olds, 6 year olds, 30 year olds, and they stretched and did slow mental poses for a good 45 minutes straight and as Chris and I caught wind of the quiet concentrated class doing their business and the five year old in the toy corner doing side kicks and yelling He-yah at the top of his lungs while doing a dive roll back to the viewing section, we gave the head nod to each other that we are all set here, this is not for one Brady Munson. We thought perhaps Karate isn't for five year olds we should wait, these "academies" are monthly membership types and not what we were looking for. Luckily a flyer came home in his backpack one day and what do you know a Karate class sign up for 5-7 year olds and its for eight weeks.
And Boy was it ever........."Kiai", I quickly was corrected is the official "grunt" for Karate not the aforementioned "he-yah". And we heard it loud and proud the first night!

This one hour class was the single most amusing thing I have watched in a long time. Brady was in his element he couldn't have been more excited and thrilled to "be told" to act out these moves and yell like he has done a million times at home.

The get up kills me.......

The cherry on top..... his good buddy from young fives was surprisingly also registered for this class......so the sparring begun.

I will make sure I put my camera in action mode next time!

The class has approx 30 kids.....yep....30 I and yes I thought the same thing .....utter Chaos. But kudos to this woman who runs the program she had all 30 kids sitting fully concentrated for an hour straight and yelling Kiai on cue. Shes loud, she yells a lot and they were in utter compliance to her every word.....hmmmmm.......I yell .....I am loud......and in control ......I am not ......must remind this lady to put on a seminar for the parents!

Brady and a few buds from his class!

Here are a few videos of him in action......I tell you what I don't know who is more excited to go next week him or Chris and I. We had so much fun watching him and laughed for an hour straight.
These were a few memorable quotes from the Ninja himself after class on the way out to dinner.
1. That was really the beeeeessssst night of my lllllliiiiiife...... said very dramatically.
2. I am going to sleep in my costume tonight.
3. Do we go to Karate tomorrow
4. While in chipoltle......KIAI..........KIAI........KIAI........KIAI.......
So Jackpot indeed!