Friday, April 19, 2013

Spring break 2013

We were Arizona bound this spring break to pay G'ma & G'Pa a visit and soak up some warm weather...which did not disappoint....sun and mid 80's everyday and after a pretty harsh Michigan winter it was welcomed! Here's the shakedown of our trip.
Big Hugs all around for G'ma & G'pa!
We stuck to the normal activities on the compound which is exactly what we wanted.....Here we are at Grandpa's baseball game.

Brady being Grandma's electric blanket.
The man in action......
Sideline cheer squad!
Batter up......
Hair stylist Brooklyn.
Doesn't matter if we were at the baseball game or the Royal wedding as soon as the clock hits 11:00....the kids are here. They talked about it all winter long, this is the one spot they wanted to be, so we did.
as evidenced by the pruney hands......
Chris and I took a trip out to Tuscon, toured the campus, relaxed at the pool, shopped and took in the sights.....
Never too far away when you are requested to text a nosy daughter pictures of what we are doing.....
Got to eat a delicious Mexican fiesta......

Waking up on Easter with morning snuggles.....
off to egg hunt....
Found one....
Sorting and splitting treats....

Pool time again......

Boccie ball.....randomly Brady was a dead ringer.....who knew?

Touring the facilities with Grandma.....
Golf cart rides....
I mean hes been working hard all winter on these pipes....the women were flocking......
Partners in crime.......

SO NICE now that this guy is swimming......I actually read a joke.....He was very proud of himself!
Two very nice fireman gave us the red carpet tour of their fire truck and station.
Going in to be a passenger....
next in line....
This ninja found the ax very heavy and fascinating...
It was very informative and very interesting....
Because why's sunny here.....
lots of early bedtimes with the killer 3 hour time change......
massages from my little guy...
lunch at the pool......pretty much everyday....
out to dinner.....
more pool action......
These two playmates....didn't have any fun at all!
Local Easter egg hunt....
These kids really missed us on our day in Tuscon huh?
More projects.....
Final day at the pool.......they made every minute count....

Water massage! Just maxing and relaxing....

I don't miss home at all!
Cactus tour with Grandma....
coloring Easter eggs....
Naps and snuggles at the pool.
Easter ham.....

Goofing around....
We introduced them to the "24 hour cake"
Thanks for another great visit G'ma & G'pa!!

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