Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Meet Roxy Applesauce.....

The newest member of our family: Ms. Roxy Applesauce Munson.
 The "dog conversation" has been one that has been coming up for quite some time. We wavered for quite a while always finding an excuse not to: "Brady's not ready", "We are never home", "Do we want to start over after we have finished the baby sweating stage?", "Man I wished we liked cats as they are so much easier" But beyond all those reasons one still out weighed them all. We want our kids to have an opportunity to love a dog, as we both feel there is no better lesson for a kid to care for someone else's needs other than your own than to have a dog as part of your family! Oh and also to fulfill Brady's Xmas wish list, I think all that is left is the minivan and butler....We will see what we can do.......So we narrowed it down to two kinds of breeds and decided to sink or swim, when we found a breeder up north that had one ready to give birth in May. We thought training in the summer sounded better than in the winter!

Chris and I were able to go to the "open house" and meet the litter, we still didn't know which one was ours, as we were not able to pick, she places based on family bios. I was so disappointed when the kids couldn't go but in hind sight I think it was a good thing, as it is a long way to go, and not be able to take one home with you!
I am pretty sure this shaky one that we liked that day (the calmest) was the one we got!
9 vizlas and 8 goldens - Brooke and Brady have some big sibling shoes to fill!
We surprised the kids in May with a package on the front door from the breeder, explaining everything and pictures of the mom and pups and that one of them was your new sister! It was exciting but with the caveat that you have to wait until July to get her.....So as you can imagine the "How many more days till the dog?" conversations happened daily. We didn't want to wait to tell them as the breeder was awesome posting pictures and videos for the kids each day so we wanted to have them watch her grow and get used to her before we even got her. They did.

So July finally came and we made the trek up north, crate in tow, food in Tupperware ready to take our new baby home. It was love at first sight
So why Roxy Applesauce? Well we finally canned Oprah and Wheezie (Brady and Chris' contributions to the naming process) and decided on Roxy. However on our way up to TC Brady looks over at me after 2.5 hours of driving and we are only about a few blocks from the breeders house, and is in a full on dripping sweat. I yelled to Chris to pull over and literally shoved him out of the car where he proceeded to puke up the entire bucket of apples he just ate by the side of the road, I mean Applesauce everywhere, and then wiped his mouth and off we went to get the dog, so we thought it would only make sense........ 
One big happy family.....

The breeder had us sign our papers and we were on our way!
When we drove up the kids asked if we were at Great Wolf Lodge...I think we can assume the breeder is doing okay in her "biz" Roxy you better be worth the $$ :)
So it took a little help to get this little one to leave her creme de la creme residence to ride in the back of a wagon for 2.5 hours....and call a yard with no shade and water her new home.

This is what poor Roxy Left behind, I don't think our backyard will compare......

We started her in the back of the car and the kids couldn't take to be away from her so we decided to grace our laps with a training pad and let Roxy ride in the back with us!
As you can imagine everyone had to have a turn.
I think the excitement got to everyone!
Especially this one.....
Since then we have been thrown back in time in the parenthood arena, little sleep, constant eyes on her, potty training, and saying NO a lot (wait that part still happens)
Honestly though she has been a very good pup so far, a bit lazy, I was afraid I was going to be buying a Paris Hilton dog purse for this little one who didn't want to walk AT ALL, but only carried, EVERYWHERE.
Five days in we got over the sleeping hump, and we also got over the lazy not wanting to walk hump too, as she wants to be running and chasing the kids at all moments.

So we are both adjusting, we are all sleeping again and we are loving our little Roxy.

Purty Girl.
Oh did I also mentioned she is very intellectual, Brady had her reading at her first vet appointment to keep her occupied....

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