The kids are in full Santa mode over here so we went to tell the man in red their wish lists...Brooke had a hard time even coming up with things to ask for this year, shoes (can ya blame a girl) and a Panda (stuffed not real) Brady on the other hand told us prior to going that he wanted to ask Santa if Denard Robinson could be his brother. Oh if only I had the guts to find a look a like to sit under the tree on Christmas morning just to see the look on his face, but no doubt it will be bleeding Maize and Blue on Christmas for this little guy.....
In case you can't make it out let me transcribe....
"Dear Santa I want a U of M water bottle, Uof M pillow, Uof M Book, U of M blanket, Receiver gloves, U of M wallpaper, U of M Chair, U of M Carpet, and a U of M Calendar." One stop shopping eh?
Brooke you can just take Brady's list and insert Panda for everything U of M....
When the real deal came, Brady got shy and didn't ask for an African American brother, maybe next year.
I just included this because I was a little freaked out that my smart phone knew it was a picture of Santa and gave me an option to add falling in the heck would it know??