Brooke always enjoys her special time with her grandparents but she had a few funny memories yesterday that I thought I would share.
Brooke while in bathroom = "mom I need help wiping - I got a MAJOR MAJOR poop in here"
Mom = "where did you hear the word major from?"
Brooke= "That's what Grandpa calls his poop!"
In all fairness to my dad he was describing a poop that Brady had not his own :)
Brooke while driving home yesterday = "mom can we go to the hardware store?"
Mom = "Brooke do you even know what a hardware store is?"
Brooke = "Yes its where Papa always has to go to buy weird stuff"
Just proof that these lil people idolize their grandparents and listen to every word!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Run Chris Run....

Well about five months of intense training and 26 miles later Chris finished his first marathon in Chicago!! Way to Go!!! We are all proud of him and he did amazing despite a bad case of tendanidus in both of his knees and a freezing cold October morn. He finished in 4 hours 31 minutes, which is great (even though Oprah beat him by 10 minutes or so :) ) Chris really did a great job of setting a goal and accomplishing it he stuck to his training schedule despite our hectic summer (ie leaving to go run while we were in the hospital for the birth of our son!) and it seemed to pay off. He ran the race with one of our neighbors and his good friend Whit from college. As much as his I-pod served as a motivation and distraction so did these two people!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
She is practically off to College!
Well Brooke is now 3...... Going on 25.......She had her birthday party this weekend and was besides herself with all the excitement!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Costco sales plummet!!
Rumor has it Costco's sales are on the decline and the Munson household couldn't be happier! You see we no longer have to buy diapers for lil miss B - she is down to one pull up at night and in my eyes fully potty trained! She has been doing it for quite some time now but it was a struggle. After Brady was born there was a definite set back and she used it as a bargaining tool to get to us (which of course drove us nuts!) So we decided to lay down the gauntlet and hit below the belt - we told her she was no longer able to wear pink until she could use the potty all day. I know it seems harsh but trust me we tried the "potty party" "the sticker chart" the whole nine yards but she didn't care....She wanted to be in diapers like her new baby brother...So she was and is still going through a fierce PINK stage.....So needless to say two days later she was dry as a bone and hasn't looked back and actually I am glad the pink outfits are back in the mix - let me tell you I had trouble for those two days to pull together an outfit that didn't consist of any pink! So as much as the public bathrooms are an annoyance I am proud to say that we won't be donating our life savings to Costco....hmmmm extra $$ .....My mind has already spent it! :) Congrats and way to go Brooklyn!!
However can I make a suggestion to the nice folks over at Costco.....Could you consider carrying "Husky" diapers so our lil Brady could squeeze his snausage rolls in them!!

Friday, October 06, 2006
Put on your rally Caps....

So I have heard that it has been 19 years since the Tigers have been in the playoffs - so needless to say Chris has Tiger Fever! I guess I can hop on board as well since my loyalty to Chicago teams aren't a factor this year :) Anyway we have tickets to this Saturday's game (game 4) it could be a clenching game for either team at this point. Yep, Chris was online and got playoff tix the minute they were offered.... I was told "Cherie when in the world am I ever going to experience this again?" Not that I minded it just gave me flashbacks of a similar conversation....."Cherie it is KISS' FAREWELL tour after this one they are done" and I think all of you can chuckle along with me on that one! I believe Kiss is now scheduling their 12th FAREWELL tour.....Anywho Chris has already brainwashed the kids to thinking the Tigers are the only baseball team that exists, Brooke thinks it's cool just cuz she gets to "RRRRRR" at the screen and Brady well he really doesn't have a say in it yet :) So I hope everyone else is enjoying the playoffs - I haven't seen much of Chris lately since the Munsons are living in the 1930's and don't have cable so Chris has been camped out at our neighbors house enjoying the festivities. GO TIGERS!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Just when you least expect it.............

Some people say good things come to those that wait! Well my wait is over.....I have recently accepted a CFO position for a physical therapy practice that was a client of mine via Plane & Moran. So as much as I loved the firm I was working for - this new gig just kind of fell into my lap and was TOO GOOD to pass up! This PT practice was a client of mine who contacted me on my maternity leave just within the past few weeks and they played on my every weakness....It is only a 30 hour a week position, full health insurance coverage (does that even exist anymore?), a full workout room in the basement of the building that is to be used at leisure, a yoga studio, and a massage parlor all attached and available for use!! Oh yeah and more $$ (hmmm twist my arm!) I will definitely miss the social aspect of the big firm I was at - but let me tell you saying goodbye to good ol' tax season and 60 hour work weeks - lets just say there were not too many tears being shed. They are really trying to respect my maternity situation (since I was not scheduled to go back until December 11th, but they in turn already let the previous guy go and need somebody soon.) so we are working out a gig where I will work a day a week just to get my feet wet during November and then will be full force end of November. So as much as everyone hates the "new job" feeling and the thoughts of "I don't know what I am doing" I look forward to other things that surely out weigh them.....more quality family time, new job challenges, no working Saturdays, a WINTER VACATION! (oh Brady if you were only a little older Chris and I would be sooooo Vail bound! But perhaps Boyne will do - I know Colorado snob I will always be!) So it happened really fast but we are all very excited about it - of course Brooke was all upset because the new building I would be working in wasn't pink! (ahh the stressful thoughts of a 3 yr old!) So I will be keeping you posted and letting you know how it goes - but definitely looking forward to the change! So for all of you who I prepare returns for let me get you the number for H&R block :) haha we will see if I still have it in me!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The Turkey is Done!

Well our lil' butterball is chubbin' out everyday - Butterball has become a lil name that has stuck with him and he responds to it as much as his own name! Brooke told the lady at the grocery store the other day that "we call him "butterballs!" " haha He is changing in a blink

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