Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Just when you least expect it.............

Some people say good things come to those that wait! Well my wait is over.....I have recently accepted a CFO position for a physical therapy practice that was a client of mine via Plane & Moran. So as much as I loved the firm I was working for - this new gig just kind of fell into my lap and was TOO GOOD to pass up! This PT practice was a client of mine who contacted me on my maternity leave just within the past few weeks and they played on my every weakness....It is only a 30 hour a week position, full health insurance coverage (does that even exist anymore?), a full workout room in the basement of the building that is to be used at leisure, a yoga studio, and a massage parlor all attached and available for use!! Oh yeah and more $$ (hmmm twist my arm!) I will definitely miss the social aspect of the big firm I was at - but let me tell you saying goodbye to good ol' tax season and 60 hour work weeks - lets just say there were not too many tears being shed. They are really trying to respect my maternity situation (since I was not scheduled to go back until December 11th, but they in turn already let the previous guy go and need somebody soon.) so we are working out a gig where I will work a day a week just to get my feet wet during November and then will be full force end of November. So as much as everyone hates the "new job" feeling and the thoughts of "I don't know what I am doing" I look forward to other things that surely out weigh them.....more quality family time, new job challenges, no working Saturdays, a WINTER VACATION! (oh Brady if you were only a little older Chris and I would be sooooo Vail bound! But perhaps Boyne will do - I know Colorado snob I will always be!) So it happened really fast but we are all very excited about it - of course Brooke was all upset because the new building I would be working in wasn't pink! (ahh the stressful thoughts of a 3 yr old!) So I will be keeping you posted and letting you know how it goes - but definitely looking forward to the change! So for all of you who I prepare returns for let me get you the number for H&R block :) haha we will see if I still have it in me!

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