Thursday, August 23, 2007

Like Bill Cosby says.......

kids say and do the darndest things!
Here a are a few that had me rolling lately.......

1. While Brooke was casting her fishing pole off the back deck.....
Dad: "Wow Brooke that is good - how did you do that?"
Brooke: "Dad I have been casting since I was a little kid!"

2. Getting Brooke all excited because we were heading over to her friends to swim...
Brooke: "That's great - but you and daddy just want to eat and chat with Kahle and Stacy" (the parents of the friend) - haha very perceptive!

3. Brooke: Mom I can't wait to be a mommy - I want to have a baby.
Mom: (going into immediate education mode!) Brooke you will be a great mom, BUT remember.......(she cuts me off)
Brooke: I know not until I am 30 or 100.

4. Brooke: (with gusto and excitement) "Mom I took a really long nap today"
Mom: That's great!
Brooke: That means I won't be crabby for a LONG time and I can stay up SUPER late.....
Mom: (thinking to herself) - yeah great in theory - but no go girl!

Now I don't have many quotes to share with you in regards to Brady....probably won't until he is 10 - somehow he has found someone to speak for him :)

But not to let Brady's perception go unnoticed! Brady has superhuman power - he can sense if there is a piece of fruit within a mile radius! This kid if he even glances at it or smells it - the rest of the food goes flying - doesn't really matter where..... you name it - the floor, the walls, the sliding glass door - Folks we have found our picky (and MESSY) eater!!!

He also loves Airplanes & Boats - will point and do the oh oh ah......Such a little dude.

His other favorite to point and smile at is every picture of Brooke in the house.........I feel like sometimes he is trying to say her name.......come on Brady give your mom a break - at least shout out a ma- and there!

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