Sunday, August 26, 2007

What can he doooooooo???

Brady boo is on the go....Still not walking but getting absolutely everywhere he wants to go just fine without the actual steps...... I am going to attempt to attach video and we will see what happens.
The first one is just funny - he can't seem to figure out everytime he stands up that the horn goes off.....No clue that his belly is hitting it everytime....gotta love him!

The second one is just Brady being a monkey boy - we spend a good portion of our day sitting on the stairs and watching him go up and down and up and down - you get the drill - so he has found the step stool and is infactuated and it it is scootched up to the counter - ummm yeah he climbs up right onto like he has just conquered everest!

hmmmm the second one didn't upload and those took a really long time - so that is all for now....Hopefully I can figure out the details soon

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