Saturday, January 03, 2009

Unwrapping the rest of 2008!

Well another Christmas season under our belts......I have to say it gets better and better and longer and longer each year! We just finished celebrating our SIXTH celebration/present opening extravaganza I would like to personally put in a death sentence request for the man that invented PLASTIC. I know this phase will be short lived, and they love all the stuff so much but holy snikes I can't wait until they get excited about clothes (haha now that wouldn't be any fun now would it!)

So the kids really reveled in "Santa" and all the goodies....we knew Brooke was on board, but Brady was much more interested than anticipated, so next year will even be more of a hoot! Brady's highlights were his new kitchen, he cooks and presents you with empty tupper ware bowls at all moments of the day, his "baseball guys", superman paraphernalia and little Einsteins rocket ship! Brooke enjoyed everything her kidi art studio, games, creepy crawler maker, cupcake maker, Kit Kittridge, jewelry box and a travel car kit filled with arts and crafts (thanks poppa it was a god send on the drive to Chicago!)

We were able to spend a little bit of time with everyone which was nice. We enjoyed a trip out to Chicago to visit with the rest of the Novaceks and then welcomed my parents back to MI for a few days! We were also able to hit the town for New Years and laugh our guts out with friends at a very funny comedian downtown. Prepare yourself for an abundance of snapshots - but the kids were such wads of fleece and happiness that I just want to bottle it up to remember some day!

Laying out some last minute reindeer food....

This was the pained look of "Do we really have to wait until everyone is up until we go downstairs?"
Thank God your up lets make a run for the stairs....
He came! The sweet look of relief!
The unveiling of the beloved Kitchen!
Just taking it all in......

The clock read 9:04 am and I have two tired overwhelmed puppies on my hands!
Freshly rested and ready for the next round of celebrations!
Daddy's little Christmas girl!
Brooke trying her hand at photography......perhaps a bit more practice!
Brady was obsessed with building "present forts" around him and would get agitated every time someone would try to open a gift! It became quite comical!
My two little nuggets

Getting some loving from Grandma!
Just a happy little boy with a face that I want to EAT!
This is how Brady spent the better portion of the last 10 days...... "Good Morning Baseball guys.....umpire time to play......Goodnight baseball guys" It is totally bizarre how built in this is...
Brooke and Kit Kittridge

The kitchen and cooking was really Brady's gig this year!I will open presents as long as I remain in the fort of gifts......

The always anticipated rough housing from Uncle Greggie!This is a pop quiz can you name the following Novacek Melons? Answer revealed below....
Did you get it right? Just wait Tom you might be in there next year!
Cousin shot!
practically glued together.
Enjoying a night out on New Years day....who wants to cook?
Grandma and Brooke!
Grandpa and Brady!
Hope everyone had a great holiday and I am excited for what this next year has to bring!

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