Monday, November 29, 2010

Field of Debris

It was more like "Tear it down....and he will still come......" On a recent trip to Detroit to see a wings game we had to take a side trip.......WE.ALWAYS.HAVE.A.SIDE.TRIP. If anyone knows and has gone to an "event" with Chris Munson there is always a "I just want to stop by this one place......" or "well we are right in the neighborhood we should check this out" Well by now I know it is coming I have seen my share of doors, outside of stadiums, memorabilia shops, and random strangers homes while purchasing goods off of Craigs list to know that Detroit doesn't come with a "side trip". This one was no different. I was warned. He told me he wanted to go and check out old Tiger Stadium. I complied, I know he has great fond memories of the place, I know they have torn it down, but he assures me it is still there and people are using it and he wants to go see it. Sure no problem.

So we go, we see what is now a field of goose poop with a barely there infield, dugouts replaced by benches made out of 2 x 4's, more weeds than grass, more graffiti than a subway station, and NOT ONE PERSON TO BE SEEN. It was literally a ghost town. Now you could say that about the entire city of Detroit, but that is a different story. Not that it shocks me but we pull up and Chris hops out of the car with a bat and balls that he of course has brought with him, so he too could redeem himself and hit one out of the infield. He had his chance back in his senior year as he played in an all star game at Tiger Stadium but left unsatisfied because 19 years later he felt it necessary to make this happen.

In some ways it is really awesome that he is so nostalgic and can look at this field of poop and envision Babe Ruth and all the other greats running the bases or sitting in the dugout, his memory is endless when it comes to that stuff, but on the other side of the coin I could argue that it is just really sad as I watch my husband try to hit a ball in a deserted field of debris.......

Isn't it beautiful.....

The colorful dugout.

Well here he is in action .......he hit one to the outfield......I hope he got his vengeance, because honestly I think I am all set on coming back. :)

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